And talk: 4 Lyfhak, if you do not want to continue the conversation


Today we have with a huge number of people almost every day, and the interlocutor is not always pleasant. It is quite difficult to avoid unpleasant conversation, especially if you are not accustomed to defend your borders. We decided to help you get out of the unpleasant situation, collecting several basic moments that you can come in handy in the next not too pleasant conversation.

Change the vector of conversation

As a rule, we are hard to interrupt a person in the half-word, and therefore you have torturing yourself, listening to the end. Most often, people tell something from their lives, and in this situation a verbal flow is quite difficult to stop. What to do? Everything is simple: you need to "cut back" your interlocutor. Try to embry on his monologue with the phrase: "Listen, and I also had it ..." And start the story already about yourself. After some time, they say, they say, emergency cases arose, in this case you will not interrupt your monologue - the interlocutor will not be underestimated by your audacity and you will get out well. Important: Act the scheme as easy as possible.

Keep yourself in your hands

It happens that there are extremely annoying people on the way, and often we are not familiar with us. Remember any your trip in public transport when a stranger-neighbor suddenly decides to pour out the soul. If the story turns out to be uninteresting, problems are already beginning here. And if you can exit on the bus, then on long journeys you find yourself literally locked with an obsessive talker. But here there is a way out: try not to react violently on everything you say, the worst thing in this situation is to go to elevated tones. When there will be a pause in the story of the story, politely reported what you want to relax and take something in your hands, it's best if you have headphones, as you should understand that with all the "desire" do not hear the next chapter of the fascinating Stories (according to the narrator itself, naturally).

You can refer to urgent matters

You can refer to urgent matters


Lean (literally)

If the situation allows, try to exit either to the toilet or in the nearby room. There is a possibility that your interlocutor will no longer remember to your return, which is so violently told you about ten minutes ago, and you can make a new one, a more pleasant conversation for yourself. However, in any situation, you do not need to jump and run away in the middle of the conversation, especially if you leave at all, start with the phrase: "I'm sorry, I need to put a child / feed the cat / husband will return" and so on.

Phone Boltun.

One of the most unpleasant types of interlocutors is "hanging" on the line of a friend / friend. He can call when you are at home, at work, are busy with something important, as a rule, it goes to action as quickly as possible, you will not even have time to say that they are busy. Of course, you can do business in parallel, however, it happens that the interlocutor requires your reaction to his words, and that means you will have to delve. Reset the call is also not always convenient. As we said, no aggression is politely reported that call back, as soon as you free. If you understand that a person is not going to tell you anything important and just calls you to kill time - your own and including - you can not call, referring to forgetfulness.

But what to do if a colleague or business partner is an obsessional interlocutor, which can smoothly "move" to personal and start you "ship" from a business conversation? In this case, you can also refer to employment and ask him to write to your email - so you can fly all unnecessary information and answer only the business issues of your interlocutor.

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