Catherine Varnava: "I'm not waiting for a prince on a white horse"


"Katya, you are the permanent participant of Comedy Woman, but this year declared itself as an independent creative unit. Starred in the cinema - in the romantic comedy "8 ​​first dates", tried itself as a TV presenter. Are you pleasant about such growth?

"I certainly be nice to try something separate and parallel, but also madly pleasant if people I associate directly with our humorous show. This does not least detract from my dignity, this is what I like to do, what I started, what I wonder; Moreover, the show is constantly changing from the season for the season, new scenery, costumes and plot ideas appear. Work boils, and I'm not going to go away, we have a friendly team, and we only rejoice at each other's successes. But at the same time I try myself in different hypostasses: I am filming the cinema, I speak as a TV presenter. I am always open with new offers.

- How did you like shooting in the cinema?

- I was insanely interesting, and it was not even an experience for me, but a certain attraction. For five shooting days, I managed to get real pleasure. I studied a lot in the process, right on the set, and I am very glad that I had such an opportunity.

- What other creative ambitions visit you? Is it alive, for example, still a dream to dance on Broadway or have you already rearranged it?

- Dream, of course, alive. But I am moving away from her ... With musicals in our country, things are tight. I watch overseas stages and understand that we are behind fifty years behind. Therefore, I study them for now just for general development. Of course, I really want to if not to dance, then at least see the Broadway Show live. I do not exclude that in the future I will tie my life with dance projects. I can participate in humorous programs, to lead morning programs, filming in the cinema, but the dancing is the sphere in which I feel truly comfortable and confident.

- When you were engaged in ballroom dancing professionally, what were your favorite?

- Ballroom dances are divided into Latin and European programs. My inner attitude, of course, closer to Latin American dances, because they are faster and movable, and it matches my energy: cha-cha, samba, and so on. Then, already in the student, I myself was engaged in modern dances. This is also very close to me, because I generally lead quite movable, active lifestyle.

- And now sometimes even see on the TV of your former partner ...

- And the partner, and in general, with whom I had to meet in the times of my dance classes, who came across competitions. It is very nice to me. Although, of course, somewhere in the depths of the soul, I have a good eye, because the dances are connected quite a long period of my childhood, it did not pass without a trace.

One day an impressive man approached me and said that I was very similar to Catherine Barnava, that's just she looks much brighter and her chest more. .

One day an impressive man approached me and said that I was very similar to Catherine Barnava, that's just she looks much brighter and her chest more. .

- When at the age of 14, did you get injured by the spine and have become impossible, it was a real tragedy?

- For my susceptible children's body, it was, of course, a serious loss. Now, after the expiration of sufficient time, I understand: everything that is done is for the better. I opened a lot of new things for myself.

- Nevertheless, you did not leave the dream of dancing for a long time and were going to go to the Institute of Culture. When and in the end did not work out, Dad advised you to go on jurisprudence in Misis. But the soul was probably not at all lying to this science at all?

"Yes, I tried to go to the Institute of Culture on the Choreographer-director ... but did not do. But I am nicely friends with the humanitarian sciences and knew perfectly well when I went to the Institute of Steel and Alloys on a lawyer that among economists and specialists in precious non-ferrous metals will be at the height. And I finished this institute quite well.

"You once said that all the jokes for the show write themselves." "What men write us are the most primitive and banal, which they may think about us," you said in an interview. So everything continues until now?

- No, you have outdated information. (Laughs.) We have a team of young authors. They work for us, but all jokes still pass the editors from Natalia Andreevna, participants and producer shows, we sit on them and think together. Previously, when it was just a club show, we mostly wrote everything yourself, although then we had friends-authors, Cavencers who helped us. Now we remove a lot of gears - and you need an endless stream of material. Therefore, we have a whole team.

"When you initially fastened the image of the" sex symbol "of the show, you have explained this to my mother:" It is necessary to be a beauty to someone. " How comfortable you today in the role chosen for you?

- In my opinion, it is impossible to treat this image seriously. I do not treat. Therefore, I am quite easy to play this role, and I feel quite comfortable. But in Kate Varnava from Comedy Woman there is a particle from me itself, because I insert into this image. Many friends periodically notice that now, for example, is talking to the Barnabas, on-screen.

- In life, you once even disappointed the fan that expected and on a date to see you as bright as on stage, and you came in modest clothes with a hairstyle. Often come across such a reaction?

- This is not the only story. There was another one. Once in a cafe, an interesting, impressive man came up to me and said that I was very similar to one of the participants of his beloved female show, Catherine Warnow, that's just she looks much brighter and her chest is more. (Laughs.)

Catherine Varnava:

In addition to the humorous show, Catherine participates in different TV projects, and the biggest from the latter was the "Battle of Chorus". .

- Your childhood up to 7 years old thanks to the dad-military passed in Germany. Where did you live in?

- The city is called Wünsdorf.

- Did your childhood children differ from the childhood of your peers in Russia?

- I did not know another. Only when we arrived in the early 1990s to Moscow, the difference became noticeable for me. Because according to European standards in Germany, everything was differently differently; It concerned both schools and playgrounds. There, of course, I received my oakha positive emotion and childish pleasures.

- You spoke at the time in German?

- No, I studied in the Russian school, because Vünsdorf is a city where a lot of Russian servicemen lived, and everything was adapted. So I did not have a linguistic barrier. In general, my childhood was very colorful and bright. From the very birth, I was invested by maximum effort and financial and mental. First, sent to the music school, then in dance. And I, of course, are very grateful to the parents that I have everything as it happened.

- But when did you return to Russia, the school has problems communicating with peers?

- Yes, I was a white raven at school, standing out among the gray mass of classmates. I have all the wardrobe consisted of bright overseas dresses. For Germany, it was normal, and in Russia I was unloved and did not take me for beautiful bows, bright backpacks, pencils. But I did not tell my parents, I did not want to disturb them. So soon in the older classes, my friends remained in friends. But I have no resentment for classmates, of course.

- There is such a saying: "Two feelings are saved in life - love and humor. If you have one of two, you are a happy man. If there are both - you are invincible. " Humor's senses do not take exactly - it means you are a happy person?

- I can't accept one hundred percent with such a statement, since happiness is not only from these two components. Of course, in our difficult life it is impossible to live without a sense of humor. Therefore, I try to perceive difficult circumstances exactly. There are many examples, they are found daily. Even on the set, some situations often occur: someone accidentally drove his leg during the dance or touched his leg on the speech. I try not to do from this tragedy and do not rush some scandals. Once I pulled my neck very much, I could not come to myself for a long time. Well, in general, to stand in high heels all the shooting day is very difficult, but we are holding away and overcome these difficulties, since everyone makes a common cause, from which we get great pleasure. But happiness personally for me, as for a person who loves his family and relatives, is that all my loved ones were healthy. My internal state depends on this. Everything else: money, career is all transient. But I can call myself a happy person, because I have a favorite business, a loved one and my loved ones and relatives are fine.

- That is, with the second component, love, you, too, are all right?

- Yes, my heart is not free now: we have been living together with my young man. I introduced him to my strict dad, and he liked him that it was very important for me. My man came as a knight: with a gift for dad and a bouquet of roses for mom. And he said that henceforth will be responsible for me.

- You have always said that you dream to meet a man similar to your father. So, found exactly this?

"Well, because they speak of the people: the girl is looking for a young man, similar to his father, and the young man subconsciously picks up a girl who reminds his mother. I probably have the perfect dad, because all the best male qualities are collected in it. And my young man probably corresponds to some of my internal requests. But, naturally, I chose him not because he is something like dad, but because I am very comfortable and pleasant to me. And dad is not against! (Laughs.)

- That is, all your fans take serious control?

- I would not say that I have the tight criteria for the selection of potential grooms. I am not from those women who are waiting for a prince on a white horse. For me, the main thing is that he was all right and with his head, and with a sense of humor, and so that he was good for man.

Catherine Varnava:

Also Catherine tries himself to the cinema. At the picture of Katya with Vladimir Zelensky in the film "8 first dates". .

- Last year you left the parents. Bought an apartment and wanted to become independent?

- No, when we decided to live with my young man, I was looking for a suitable apartment for a long time. For some reason, many think that if your face flashes every day on TV, you can afford to buy accommodation in Moscow. My fees are just enough for removable. We found an apartment with a large living room, spacious bedroom and a huge dressing room, which is most important for me. I have a lot of dresses and shoes, but even more convenient sports suit, so you need to fit everything.

- From now on, your life has somehow changed? You felt freedom or, on the contrary, was the care of worries?

- I never suffered from a joint stay with my parents. I am very tied to them very much, is spoiled, so as soon as I have free time, then immediately to my parents. With age, we, of course, strongly change priorities. If at 16-18 years old I want some independence, then it all disappears - and you understand how important it is to talk to your parents and find a common language. I was lucky: despite the fact that my parents are quite adults (I am a late child in the family, I have two more older brothers), my mother and dad I have very modern, understanding, and I have never had problems with them.

"When you first starved in a frank photo shoot for a male magazine, your dad bought three rooms with the words:" Well, at least someone will not get. " Recently you starred again. What did Dad say this time? Committed with the beauty of the daughter?

- For my parents, I still will always remain a child, so they seriously do not perceive such photo sessions. Maybe somewhere in the depths of the soul dad it does not quite like, but by virtue of your courtesy, pupils and excellent education, he always finds the strength to tell me good words. And he is not ashamed for what I do, and not ashamed for me. And this is the most important thing.

- And the older brothers eat you too?

- The fact is that I have a very big difference in age with the older brothers. One of them is now for 40 years, another - 35. In childhood it was very noticeable. When I was born, my parents immediately took me to live in Germany, so with an elder brother I began to communicate and live side by side already in a conscious age. The middle brother was terrible extinguishing, but in his youth Ros is surprisingly creative man - worked as an acrobat, a musician. Of course, in my area, everyone still knows about my brothers, because they have quite large, above me. Probably, therefore, no one is suitable for me, and even more so does not offend. But I advise you to infrequently. On the contrary, they are more consulting them about personal life, some other everyday issues.

- What do they do?

- The elder brother is a cook, and the middle business is engaged in business, leads a commercial project.

- The Ninth of December you will be 28 years old. For you, is it "else" or "already"?

- Yet. Starting from 25 years old, I generally stopped feeling age. Maybe I am an adult, or maybe - older. (Laughs.) But so far everything is just enough for me. Again, before your eyes - an excellent example of a mother, which with age looks more beautiful and more paints. Therefore, I'm not afraid to grow up. Mom always says: "Steel must be with pride." I hope that in five years I will look even better.

- And, probably, have taken to children?

- In our country, there are certain stereotypes on this score that up to 30 it is necessary to give birth and marry. It seems to me that if you manage the right lifestyle, watch out how you live and eat, then get a family and give birth to a child never too late. And I am morally ready for this. I just configured very seriously - get married, so only once. I must have one husband, albeit at 30 years old.

- Have you decided how to celebrate your birthday? Gifts are waiting?

- So it happened that for several years in a row I noted him on tour in some cities. This time, I hope, I will spend it in Moscow - with loved ones, with family. And whatever I gave me, I will be glad to all. I love soft toys very much, love flowers, I love when they do something unusual with your own hands. Usually such gifts make me my girlfriends, and I think this year will not be an exception.

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