Irina Dubtsova is losing weight scientific way


After pregnancy, I became very prone to swells. Many doctors passed, and only two had questions about my body - this is a neurologist and a psychologist. In one voice, they said that I recover from the nerves. Overweight is a kind of psychological armor that helps me cope with life peripetias. As soon as I understood it, for some reason I began to lose weight. And control the weight has become much easier.

I eat on a special system. There is such a Swiss technology - DNA analysis of saliva. This is the newest study that gives recommendations not only for nutrition, but also by training. It turned out that pineapples and beloved Papaya, which I usually had breakfast, I was contraindicated. Watermelon, Melon, Pumpkin also hit the list of prohibited products. Moreover, the doctor revealed a hidden predisposition to diabetes and forbade sugar in any form. But the salt, the reception of which I tried to limit because of the edema, I'm not terrible. It turned out that one of the causes of edema is an insufficient amount of fluid. My body is required from three liters per day, then water will not accumulate. It is a pity that they banned coconut milk. I love Thai, Malaysian and Maldives.

There is no sport in my life. I just have no time for it. Better I will meet with friends, I have so rarely see them! True, I am fond of boxing, but these workouts occur quite rarely. Complete training in the gym replaces a full-fledged concert.

Irina does not spend time on the gyms, preferring more often to see the son of Artem and his girlfriends

Irina does not spend time on the gyms, preferring more often to see the son of Artem and his girlfriends

It remains a mystery to me, as stylists save my hair. I tried even a pair of mesotherapy procedures for the scalp - it does not hurt at all, but the result is possible only after the course of eight to ten procedures, for which I, unfortunately, no time. On the project "Extremely" a team of girls who engaged in hairstyles and wigs, advised me dry shampoos. The thing is brilliant! After that, I bought 12 bottles in America at once, including miniature travel versions, they are very convenient to take with them in a handbag. I have a bad habit - I constantly touch the hair with my hands, so such funds are just necessary for me. On weekdays, I can most often meet with a simple hairstyle "Cuckulka".

From 32 years old, with the help of eye shots, I corrected the skin of the forehead. I still do plasmolifting - this is when you take your blood out of the veins, drive it in a special device, highlighting a plasma from it, and then knock you. It revives the complexion, smoothes wrinkles, removes acne. And when the time comes and if there is a need - I will make a circular suspension. And I will not deny it.

I had one complex associated with appearance. I did not grow up my chest. At school, I did not understand this and very complexed. At first it hoped that everything would decide over time. And my mother said: "You will give birth - everything will appear." Gave birth to Artem and recovered. All. Whole. Besides chest, of course. I was so hoping for a miracle, and it did not happen. Why did I increase the chest? For yourself first. In no case in order to like men. I did not meet any man for my life, who would tell me that a little breast is bad.

Stewed breast with vegetables

Stewed breast with vegetables


Dietary recipe from Irina Dubzova

Stewed breast with vegetables

You will need: 2-3 Chicken breasts without bones and skin, 120-150 grams of podole, 2 bulbs, 2 tomatoes, 2 carrots and 2 sweet peppers, 1.5-2 tablespoons of vegetable oil. Spices for chicken, pepper, salt to taste.

Cooking method: Wash breasts, cut into cubes of 2-3 cm, scat out tomatoes with boiling water, remove the skin, crushed. Onions chopping, carrots and sweet peppers cut into cubes, fry the fillet of the breasts in a pan on the oil to the rumbling, constantly stirring, add onions, then carrots, make the middle fire. Put tomatoes, pepper, beans. Add spices, pepper, salt, mix everything. Chicken with vegetables stew with weak boiling under the lid about half an hour before readiness. To ensure that the water does not bother, if necessary, fasten the water.

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