How to bring a stain from any fabric


Imagine that you came to a party in a new dress - relax with friends, take a glass of your beloved red wine and ... accidentally shed him against yourself. Familiar? It will be hurt to throw away the new thing, especially if it costs expensive. Learning to display stains without a trace with the help of recommendations.

Time is money

The best way to quickly eliminate stains is to wash the thing immediately after you blurred. Any high-quality detergent dishes a fresh spot without leaving divorces. If you are pre-poliet, the blurred area is stained, then be sure that the thing will become perfectly clean. Experienced hostesses advise to buy oxygen stains of Japanese production - they faster remove pollution and cope with the most resistant. If there is no possibility immediately use the washing machine, then you should resort to alternative options.

The faster you put the thing, the less traces will remain

The faster you put the thing, the less traces will remain


Rules of removal of stains

  • Wipe dust with stains with a wet napkin or sponge
  • Check the impact of the cleaner on the fabric on the test piece of the material or the edge of the product
  • Starting to wash off the spot from the edges, moving to the middle - so the stain will not spread during cleaning
  • Some stains, such as blood, can not be washed with hot water. If you are not sure, it is better to check the information on the Internet or remove the spot with water temperature - not higher than 40 degrees.

Trail from cosmetics

  1. Mixycle water will help flush from a tonal cream or lipstick - mine is safe for fabric. Take two cotton discs, generously feed them with a means for removing makeup and attach stains from both sides. Leave for 5-10 minutes, then slightly circular movements walk along the spot so that the disc absorbed the remains of cosmetics. Put the thing.
  2. For old stains will help hydrogen peroxide and soda. Pour 1-2 teaspoons of soda on a stain, along with a hydrogen peroxide - it will spread soda, having worked out as an oxygen stain pressure. For an additional effect, wipe the stain with a cloth moistened in alcohol.
  3. Place a paper napkin under the spot, pour a bit of a talc or baby powder on it, put a talc on top of the spot, cover the napkin. Find the spot heated iron - under the action of heat cosmetics dissolve and flows, the talc absorbs moisture. Then post the thing.

Cosmetics can be washed off with the usual means for demacia

Cosmetics can be washed off with the usual means for demacia


Trail from oil

  1. Wash off the oil trail on white clothing with acetone. Pour the liquid into two cotton disks, put them on both sides of the stain. Leave for 10-15 minutes - fat is dissolved and absorbed into the wool.
  2. For color clothes, use gasoline, turpentine, and better than a special solvent for paint - it is harmless to clothes. Before you erase the stain, try the remedy on a small piece of fabric. Generously paint pollution with solvent and leave for 10-15 minutes, then post.
  3. For gentle tissues, use soda or salt. Make Cashitz out of 1-2 teaspoons of salt and water in proportion 1 to 1. Apply Cashitz on a stain and give things to lie down.

Trail from wine

  1. Heat a glass of milk so that it was a little hot. Contaminated plot Skift the thing into the glass and leave half an hour. Then post with detergent.
  2. Pour salt on a wet stain and wait 30 minutes until it is absorbed. Salt will collect all the moisture, and the stain will disappear right in front.
  3. White clothes can be soaked in hydrogen peroxide solution. Also fit the ammonia alcohol. Divide the peroxide at the calculation of the tea spoon per half of the water. You can add a little powder into water. Leave the thing to mischief in the solution for a couple of hours - it will not be worse.

The blade from the wine is reduced by absorbents

The blade from the wine is reduced by absorbents


Sex of chewing gum

Take the ice cube and attach it to the stain. A minute later, the gum hardens, and will disappear from the fabric itself.

Furniture from coffee, tea

Drinks containing caffeine are removed using glycerol. If there is no possibility to buy it, take the liquid soap - in it the content of glycerin is higher than in a slicing soap. Pour a little soap on a stain, slightly stuck into it and leave half an hour. Then, wash the residues of the soap with a solution of vinegar and water in proportion 1 to 1.

Trail from ink

If you accidentally blocked the handle and stain fresh, then wet it with warm milk and leave for half an hour before washing. Old spots remove any acid - citric acid solution, acetic or apple.

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