There are, swim, stare: 5 reasons to go to Sardinia


Francesco Cetti, Naturalist of the 18th century, assured: "In Italy, you will not find what is in Sardinia, but on Sardinia what is in Italy." So, what is it on the island?

The sea here is such a color that filters are applied.

The sea here is such a color that filters are applied.

1. First, of course, the sea. Sardinia has more than 1,800 km of coastline with insane beauty by beaches and sea water. Many coves can be found only from the sea, so there will be no people there. Well, a sea of ​​such an unrealistic color that the photo seems to be applied as if the most modern filters are applied. And in the local waters, not only many fish, but also dolphins, as well as the rarest seal monk are found.

You can get to some bays from the sea only

You can get to some bays from the sea only

2. Secondly, Sardinia is a unique nature. Many places are absolutely intact civilization, and a significant part of the island of uninhabited. There are mountains, plains, rivers, forests. By a variety of ecosystems, Sardinia is sometimes equal to the microcontinent.

3. The cuisine of Sardinia many is called therapeutic. After all, the majority of dishes join the furnace. It is clear that everywhere and everywhere you can find fish and fresh seafood. But sardes love meat. From meat dishes is very popularly baked milk piglets. It is said that earlier this dish was prepared on the principle of matryoshki: a larger carcass stuffed with a carrying stew, and so on.

Fish and seafood are perfectly prepared in any restaurant

Fish and seafood are perfectly prepared in any restaurant

Sardes are very proud of their bread, assuring that this is not anywhere in Italy. One of the most popular varieties - Pane Carasau, reminds of something Lavash. Once this bread took the shepherds with them, who went to the mountains for a long time. His bake in the furnace Already twice, due to which the shelf life also increases at least twice.

All Italian cheeses are also present on Sardinia. But it is necessary to taste the local grade of Sasu Marzu, the so-called "Chervy Cheese". As they prepare, we will not specify, but it seems, the name speaks for itself. True, it is quite difficult to find it - in Italy, this cheese is forbidden. Nevertheless, experts assure that it is possible to find it on Sardinia, where in individual communes of Sasu Marzu is produced.

4. It is worth going to Sardinia if you want to detect all the worlds (including Russian) stars in one place. This island has long chosen George Clooney, Harrison Ford, Sting, Orlando Bloom, Katy Perry. If you want to see all of them in a relaxed atmosphere, go to Porto Cervo, where the number of millionaires one square meter exceeds all allowable norms.

In the south of the island, Forte Village is famous for the whole world

In the south of the island, Forte Village is famous for the whole world

If you go to the south of the island, here you can detect no less than Ceboribriti. Here they live in the famous Forte Village world. This resort spread in 50 hectares was repeatedly recognized as the best in the world - according to World Travel Awards. Not least because of the excellent location - Forte Village spread out between sandy beaches and mountain varnish, which stretches a few kilometers. This creates a special microclimate - there is no strong heat here, and the mountains protect from the northern winds.

The resort has long chosen celebrities from around the world.

The resort has long chosen celebrities from around the world.

But most importantly, of course, the "inner filling" is eight elegant hotels, completely renovated in accordance with the latest standards of comfort and service, thirteen private villas and more than forty-coats. By the way, you can get to the resort on an exclusive business jet Forte Village Private Jet. It is designed for only 48 passengers, and Mishlensky Cook Rocco Jan. is prepared directly on board with its best dishes.

5. Sometimes Sardinia is called the "archaeological museum". Ancient monuments are preserved on the island, some of them have more than 5 thousand years and listed by UNESCO World Heritage Site: "The Tombs of Giants" (the funeral cameras in the form of stone galleries), the tombs in the rocks (Domus de Janas), the sanctuary in Monte D 'Accodedi (Sardinian zikkurat), Nuragi (tower in the form of a truncated cone with a height of 10-20 m). Sardinian cultures supported a connection with the Mina Crete.

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