We go to the bath. But what to choose


In winter, it is still not tolerated to go to the pair, and then kick into the cool pool. But what to choose? After all, their diversity is striking: first the classic options for the type of Russian bath, Turkish Hammam or Finnish sauna come to mind, but there are also exotic - the Japanese barrel of Offero or the Indian sheden. And most importantly, what is suitable for you more, from what you get the maximum benefit?

When the street was marked, so you want to go with friends in Banaku and talk about life. At least to warm up, and at the same time getting pleasure and even harden the immunity. Agree, after the hot bath, it is pleasant to run out on the street and be sought in the snow. But be careful - the unprepared organism will not stand the load, and it is seriously ill after such "recovery" will not be difficult. Therefore, start gradually. For the first time visits to the pair will be quite enough. And many types of baths will help to diversify their leisure, which came from other countries. We will tell about them, and you choose to your taste.

Russian sauna

For our person, what could be the usual of the usual Russian bath? In winter, the doctor himself was treated once again! In addition, it is very useful if you comply with all the recommendations. It is believed that the Russian bath is as close as possible to the natural conditions for the body and has less shock exposure than, for example, the Finnish sauna. The temperature in it does not rise above seventy degrees, and the humidity corresponds to the one that on the street (forty-seventy percent).

Russian Bath - the most familiar to the Russian man

Russian Bath - the most familiar to the Russian man

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

But you need to bathe in all the rules. Ideally, you must go into the double room three times ten minutes with the same breaks for rest. In the first goal, take place to get used to high temperatures. Then gradually move to the ceiling, where the temperature is even higher (it comes to a hundred degrees on the upper shelf). In the intervals between the windows in the steam room, you can take a cold shower or plunge into the pool. If you warm up well, you will not get sick, even when sinking snow. In the second approach, you can actively steam with a broom, and in the latter to be confused. In addition, in the steam room, there is a good inhalation with medicinal herbs. It will effectively apply scrub or peeling, then you can use a nutrient mask for the body, face or hair. After the third approach, do not run away immediately from the steam room, better go down and sit down a little and do not forget to compensate for the lost water, drinking kvass, juice or tea. You can wash at the end or in the intervals. And do not forget that staying in the bath should not exceed three hours (this includes preparation for the pair, walker, washing and leisure).

Bath is recommended for chronic bronchitis, tonsillite, bronchial asthma and radiculitis. Correctly serve chronic diseases in the aggravation stage, any acute diseases and heart disease. Also keep in mind that it is impossible to go to the bath immediately after eating, you should wait a couple of hours. You can not take alcoholic beverages and steam, if you feel ailments.

Turkish Hammam

Hammam is owned by the Roman terms and visually very much reminds them. Everywhere marble mosaic, stone sofas - in general, solid beauty. The room is heated with a large water boiler, and steam formed from its boiling is supplied through the holes in the walls or sex. The form of such different, the Russian bath and hammam affect the human body. However, there are differences. In the Russian bath is not very hot, but the humidity is high. In Hammam, the temperature is about the same (no higher than sixty degrees), but the humidity reaches the ninety percent. Such air has better thermal conductivity, due to which the muscles, bones and joints are deeper. That is why Hammam's visit helps to relax after exercise.

After the pair you can swim in the pool

After the pair you can swim in the pool

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Any bath contributes to the strengthening of immunity, accelerating the metabolism and excavation of slags. In Hammam, this is soft and carefully. Another advantage is a relaxing effect: the nervous system calms down, the sleep is improved, headaches are undergoing. After Hammam, the skin is transformed: the pores open, it becomes clean and shining. Positively affects the Turkish bath and hair. Due to the combination of high humidity and low temperatures, they are not overwhelmed, but, on the contrary, moisturize. Do not want to just sit in a steam room? Make a complex of cosmetic care: soap massage, peeling with a special mittens or, for example, wraps. Essential oils are also well perceived in the Turkish bath, so the campaign can be added aromatherapy.

In the East, it is believed that it is best to go to Hammam in the morning, because at this time the body is easier to relax and it is more susceptible to cleansing procedures. In general, in conditions of urban stress and a large number of work there should be around at least once a week. A visit to Hammam is not recommended only to people with asthma, hypertensive and those who suffer from skin diseases.

Finnish sauna

The temperature in it can be very high - up to one hundred degrees, but the humidity is only fifteen percent. Thanks to such a low moisture, the heat is easier to transfer. It is curious that before in the Finnish sauna did not use a broom, but simply warmed and sweated. Today in many saunas, including in Finland, gladly crammed with brooms and even water the stones.

Visiting the bath can be turned into a real spa ritual

Visiting the bath can be turned into a real spa ritual

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

In general, the sauna action is quite rigid. In the conditions of extreme heat, the lungs begin to work more intense, the heart actively pumps blood, the blood circulation is improved. Hot air, which we inhale, stimulates the supply of blood mucous membranes. Strong heating of the body accelerates metabolic processes, the body tries to cope with the stressful situation, highlying sweat and metabolic products. That is why the sauna is recommended athletes: in hot air, lactic acid from muscles leaves faster, and with it - pain and tension. But people suffering from heart disease and vessels are not recommended to visit it. High temperature causes the heart to beat at high speed, which is unacceptable for those who have the pathology of the cardiovascular system. If a person is sick with diabetes, suffers from atherosclerosis, lung diseases - a sauna for him under the ban. It is better not to risk and during pregnancy. And do not forget: stay in the Finnish sauna reduces blood pressure, so if you have it initially low, consult your doctor.

Japanese barrel of offro

Offero, Japanese Bath, Cedar Barrel, Phytobochka - There is one type of steam room behind these names, which is significantly different from the classic bathhouse (only forty degrees) and humidity (as a hundred percent). This combination allows you to get rid of excess weight in just a few procedures. Actively fence, you lose not only water accumulated by fatty tissues, but also calories. Cells begin to obtain more oxygen and nutrients. Among other things, the heated cedar allocates phytoncides, contributing to the strengthening of immunity, and specially selected oils and herbs are added to the water. The steam-saturated healing substances penetrates deep into the pores, and the next morning after the session you will see how much the appearance of the skin has changed: it literally shines from the inside. In this case, the impact on the body is very soft. The design of the Baroch of Offer (the head during the harvest must remain outside) allows you to get used in the steam room even elderly and weakened people. Contraindications Lots: This is an exacerbation of chronic diseases and diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Even you can choose a suitable program.

Head in steam room better to protect something

Head in steam room better to protect something

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Indian Svadana

The word "sledany" on Sanskrit means "covered by the Spray", and this bath looks quite exotic - like a wooden chest. Before the procedure you are waiting for a massage session. And only after that you can go to a special box where the head is outside, and the body inside, because, according to Ayurved, it is harmful to heat his head. On the bottom of the chest pour water with healing herbs, which then turns into steam. The temperature inside should be comfortable (up to forty-five degrees). The steaming time varies for each person (usually stopped, when the forehead starts sweating). The fact is that excessive passion for the bath can cause dizziness, thirst or rash. Therefore, it is better not to overload yourself. When steaming is completed, steam stop, and the body slowly cools. Keep in mind that it is impossible to get up sharply: first sit down slowly, then stand up, and only ten minutes you can take a warm shower. The body balancing the body, opens the channels in the body and improves blood circulation. This is one of the main procedures for those who undergo Indian cleansing the body - Panchakarma. The bath helps with pain in the back, arthritis and problems with the nervous system. It is impossible to do it during pregnancy, excessive completeness, if you have diseases of the heart or blood, there are dizziness.

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