I am against: what to do if the partner refuses contraception


It often happens that in the most responsible moment, a man refuses condoms, justifying its position with many reasons - from allergies to loss of sensitivity. Many women, being in one bed with such a partner, agree to continue proximity, despite all the dangers. We have repeatedly talked about what such frivolity can lead to, today we decided to tell how to do in such a situation if you turn around and leave - not your option.

Offer several options

As soon as you heard a man that he is an enemy of condoms, do not ride the tantrum in a flat place, instead, offer your partner to experiment with other products: maybe a man had an unpleasant experience of using latex contraceptives, you suggest it to get a new, positive experience . Today, there is a huge variety of the most simple types of contraception, so that an excuse like an allergic reaction can not be separated.

Use other types of contraceptives

If you know that your man is firmly standing on his and no persuasion and sentences with him will pass, pick up another way of contraception, if there are no contraindications. Of course, before going to the pharmacy, you will receive a consultation of your gynecologist, because hormonal drugs are a serious business. Try to avoid "folk" councils and recommendations of friends - each organism is unique, and not the fact that you will suit the same way as a friend.

Do not go on the partner

Do not go on the partner

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

Ask medical documents

With a regular partner, everything is clear, but what to do if you met quite recently and have not yet managed to know a man well, and the case is rapidly going to the first intimacy. Feel free to ask for a certificate of STD. Many are shy to ask for medical documents, considering that they are taking all the romance. Perhaps, but think with what risks you will come across if you decide to spend the night with a person who can carry the most dangerous diseases that may not be able to cure completely. Always think about your health, whatever passion you have covered.

Do not agree to classic sex

If no persuasion acts, and the man refuses to provide any confirmation of its "cleanliness", present your requirements - you disagree on classic sex. But it is important to take into account the moment that oral and other alternative types of sex without protection are possible only if you are 99% confident that a man does not tolerate dangerous viruses. Naturally, alternative caresses are arranged few people, but to joke with health and risk them in favor of a man - not the right decision.

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