Vyacheslav Manuchars: "The worst thing is to tell your child that moms are no longer"


Watch how the genes show themselves quite curious. Vyacheslav Manuchars, the descendant of the famous noble child, chose the acting profession that his relatives were perceived with obvious displeasure. But if his ancestor Alexander Pushkin was written, Vyacheslav masterfully declares them. And with their roles in the cinema, and participation in all sorts of television shows, he proved that the artist was not in vain. However, as Vyacheslav says, today a person's success indicator is not only his career, but also a family that has become the subject of an interview with the atmosphere magazine.

- Vyacheslav, do you agree with the expression that blood is not water? And did the aristocratic origin affect your upbringing in childhood?

- As my grandmother said, Wednesday is not Thursday, in the sense that the atmosphere in which the child grows is his best vaccination in life. The basics of education who were driven into me, including force, make themselves to know today. With the fact that much is passed to us from the ancestors, I agree absolutely. I look now on my youngest son Danil, who is almost four years old, and I recognize myself, my faith, we have even tastes in food coincide. So genes are a powerful thing. I am truly from the old Moscow family, the first mention of it refers to 1803, we had a mansion on the oozen, was not preserved. When I went to theatrical, my grandmother said: "Remember, besides your family name for you, you have the names of your ancestors, including Pushkin." It turned out, one of our relatives in relation to Music-Pushkin. For me, it has always been an additional burden of responsibility. And when my classmates drank beer on Arbat and a little hooligani, I tried to restrain myself.

- Although Pushkin himself was a hooligan yet ...

- Absolutely. I've worked before that in St. Petersburg, on washing, through the house from his house, where the museum is now. And of course, everything is permeated there with his creativity, memories of him, I so much was heard about his antics. But Pushkin is our everything. (Laughs.)

- You mentioned my grandmother, she is also a legendary personality, I read that she was secretary of Lenin.

- She was a librarian. But yes, she saw a living leader. We have a lot of relics left from Vladimir Ilyich. In particular, items from his office in Lenin's slides are a press papier, inkwell, matchpiece, the books that he signed and gave grandmother. There was a repair, and somehow he said to Grandma: "Take all this home, then you will return." And soon he fell ill, and, in fact, no one returned anything. But the most important thing is the photos. In these pictures, Lenin with a curly head, not bald, and a sufficiently young and interesting man. And next to my grandmother in glasses.

Vyacheslav Manuchars:

"There was a service apartment that we were taken away. And with my mother and paralyzed grandmother were in a communal on Arbat"

Photo: Marcina Marquina

- With my grandmother, you spent a lot of time together, grew on her dacha ...

"I am fine with my parents, but brought me up to a greater degree grandmother, and some of her life principles with me still." So, I can not pass by the human request. Although in our time the help of neighbor is, as it should be expressed, unwise. Even for me, absolute nonsense is feminist ethics. I do not understand how not to make a girl, even if an outsider, a compliment, how not to give way to the subway. And today it may be regarded as a manifestation of sexism. We have become accepted to blame the "scoop", but there were also their advantages in the upbringing.

"But it turns out that you didn't go to the kindergarten, they lived at the general dacha, that is, there were a boy torn off from the team.

- For the time being until time. The nineties touched everyone. "From the prince in the mud" - absolutely my story. My father was a fairly launched in Soviet Moscow, director of the fur factory. When it did not, we had another life. There was a service apartment that we were taken from us, and my mom and paralyzed grandmother were in a communal service on Arbat. I was then eight years old, and I began to learn some social aspects of life.

"Just at home boys and a protest, I want to try everything." So you went out of the house, lived in a transformer booth.

- I never experienced wishes to try everything. Sex, drugs, rock and roll - not my story. Just relatives were categorically against my admission to theatrical, insisted that I do business. Mom said: You want to be an actor - dare, but we will not support you. And I gathered things and left. And in the Schukinsky school for the Watch of the Director of the Faculty, the technical premises were located. I was then worked in the restaurant, I was a little engaged in Farty, I had money. And I bought the opportunity to live in the transformer booth. I was fed by breakfast Wahters. I came to classes first. Everything was amazing!

- How much time was the luxury?

- I do not remember, so many years have passed. It seems of six hundred rubles, the scholarship was then a thousand two hundred. Polstipend gave, considering that I came there only to sleep. I had a stunning sleeping bag, bought at the "Hunter and Fisherman" store, just like a Shurik from the Caucasian Captive.

Vyacheslav Manuchars:

"My child can knock at any time, go to my office, ask any question, and it will turn into a long conversation"

Photo: Marcina Marquina

- Your ideas about the acting profession have changed since those years? Perhaps a romantic halo was destroyed?

- Of course, each person is changing addiction, vision and tastes. I enhateed, infantilism ended. But I always treated acting as a profession, and not to some sacral act of art, which caused a storm of indignation from my teachers and classmates. Of course, there is creativity here, but in general it is a skill. This is my craft that I speak perfectly.

- What did it give you a craft as a person?

- I get tremendous pleasure from him. Already being not only an artist, but also a teacher of acting skills, I can say that people come to this profession from shortly, from inexpensively. For me it was important from the ugly duckling weighing one hundred and thirty five kilos to turn into a popular, popular artist. But behind all this is a children's complex, I wanted me to love me, I admired me, I wanted to feel necessary, which was not in childhood. I practically did not see my parents. They worked a lot. Today I understand that, probably, I did not have enough something there, in my early years.

- You are trying to avoid such mistakes with your children, understanding that you need attention, talking to souls, and not just a gift?

"That's what I was in my childhood and didn't have enough dialogue." I can not say that I am the perfect father, I have no opportunity to spend all the time with children. But I think it is not necessary. My child can knock at any time, go to my office, ask any question, and it will turn into a long conversation. But at the same time, children should be self-sufficient. I remember, we went to the conservatory with my grandmother, and she would not last long ago, leaving me a program. And I sit in the hall, and to the right of me - an elegant lady of aristocratic appearance, a brunette with a smarter, for seventy years. It looks thoughtfully somewhere in the space. And I was a boy sociable, turning to her: "You probably boring? Take the program. " She replied: "Young man, remember. A supported person is never boring." When grandmother returned, we met. It turned out, this lady is the People's Artist of the USSR Olga Voronets. My task to raise children by self-sufficient, who is not boring alone with them.

- For this, they have classes, they are interesting?

- They do with teachers, twice a week speech therapist, speech. And all three. Twice a week, someone has English, someone is Chinese, swimming pool and music. Arisha and Nina play the piano, Danya - on Banjo and Ukulele. They also have a modeling and drawing. It seems to me that developing classes and hobbies are the right topic.

Vyacheslav Manuchars:

"For me, it was important from the ugly duckling weighing one hundred thirty five kilos to turn into a popular, popular artist"

Photo: Marcina Marquina

- Soon you have the premiere of the series "Perfect Family" on TNT channel, you are as a producer of a television show. What is the perfect family for you?

- As the classic said, each family is happy the same, but unhappy in its own way. It's true. The ideal family is the one where there is a joy, wealth, there is no illness, trouble. The perfect family for me is mine, with my children, my wife, parents and relatives, with nanny, who also became part of it. It's nice that today is fashionable to be family. Recently, Tutta Larsen came to my program "Empathy Manuchchi", I remember her desperate girl in ripped jeans, with piercing and tattoos, the leading MTV television channel. Now it is a mother of three children, a churchyard, a believer. It is difficult for me to accept, as such a bright, powerful paint could change its color to the complete opposite. And she replied: I'm ragu, I'm not interested in party and Raiva. I came to this for a long time. My older daughter Arisha is ten years old.

- Do you close your hero? Probably similar characters you met more than once.

"At the premiere of" Laskovaya May ", where I played the main role of Andrei Razin, Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev came. And I remember, he said that you can spend a straight line: Hellets, chikchiki, and then hero of the glory of Manuchary. I am familiar to this image. But speaking about the TV series "The ideal family", it is nice that this story shows not a glossy, the front side of television, but its insidious. And it is incredibly interesting - to know what is happening behind the scenes. I hope the picture will like the viewer, there is also a brilliant cast: the main roles performed Pasha Derevko and Olga Mednikh, and your humble servant.

- There was no danger to make a character schematic: Podons, Cynic, who thinks only about high ratings of his show?

- Well, such a person, but he is alive, not a cardboard. I think many TV presenters, looking at this picture, smile, and one learns himself as accurately. In many ways, this character is written off from him, but understanding through the prism of creativity.

- Are you talking about Andrei Malakhov?

- Yes, about Andrew, who is one of the main persons of domestic television. My godfather on television, a lot binds us.

- Your Wife Dora is a doctor far from the media sphere. She did not have concerns related to your way of life, publicity?

"We agreed on the shore that we will not arrange a PR-romance and endure our personal stories to the public, in particular, we did not advertise the wedding. In general, the glory of Manuchars husband and glory Manuchars Artist is very different people. I have a clear separation of professional and personal life, and for anything dumping (and there were many of them) I do not publish a camera home. I have already hurt enough in the first marriage.

Vyacheslav Manuchars:

"We agreed on the shore, that we will not arrange a PR-novel, to bring our personal stories to the public. In particular, we did not advertise the wedding"

Photo: Marcina Marquina

- Your marriage with Victoria lasted just a year - then you were not ready for responsibility?

- Not a year, a little more. And in the relationship we were three years old. Got married when they wanted to have a child. I did not work out, I can not answer why so. But when it did not become my first wife, I realized that it was probably fate.

- Did you communicate all these years with Arisha?

"No, we are more seriously quarreled with Vika, and she did not show Arina, we did not see each other. But for a year before his death, for some reason, she changed the decision, found the strength to forget the resentment, and we began to communicate. She led Arish to my house, in my family.

- Probably, it was not easy to establish contact with my daughter?

- Of course, she did not see me, perceived as someone else's uncle. After all, you will not explain: I am your dad; Trust and love come not immediately. It was not easy. But the worst thing is to tell your child that moms are no longer. I remember when I learned about it, my daughter and I went from the store. I was called, and my hands went down, I dropped packages with products to Earth. Today I remember it calm enough, we both went to a psychologist, but then the news was shocked.

- Dora support you in the decision to take Arish in the family?

- Yes, I was lucky in this sense. My wife is a very wise, understanding and accepting. She then said: "Glory, there are no other options here, Arisha must live with us." Although we both understood that for a child it was a difficult story - entry into another family, especially after her moms did not become.

Vyacheslav Manuchars:

"Arisha has not seen me for a long time and first perceived as someone else's uncle. But the worst thing is to tell her child that moms no longer"

Photo: Marcina Marquina

- Dora lived in America for a long time, is the difference between mentality?

- Dora and now lives in America: because of the pandemic we have not seen several months. It is clear that there is a video link, but I'm still a fairly young man, I am thirty-nine years old, and the lack of my wife is a difficult moment. I can not come to her, she to me, and this is the most monstrous test. As for the mentality, the Dora was born in Moscow, on Smolenk, and we, what is called, from one sandbox. When she was very small, her parents left for an internship in America and stayed there for life. Muscovites who moved to live in Manhattan are a very bright cultural kneading. Grandma Dara, Rimma Borisovna, which is now ninety-three years old, is a representative of the oldest Russian intelligentsia. In his old age, she is in an absolutely right mind and says very correct things: only the habitat has changed, and the traditions and foundations are saved. Even becoming residents of New York, they remained Muscovites. What they helped me to feel in America is invaluable. For happiness, there is absolutely everything, nothing prevents us from building our unique national world. I can't live in Russia.

- And dora, apparently, can not without America. Therefore, you have an international family.

"She has a fairly serious work, she is a doctor and takes a high post." Previously, she had the opportunity to come for a month, live here, then a month in the States, returning again. But now because of this story with Coronavirus, everything has changed.

- Quarantine many made reconsider his views on life. Maybe you need to take a global movement about moving?

- Our family is a victim in this situation with the closure of borders. While we physically cannot solve it. But I am happy that the connection between us still exists. There is a wonderful phrase that separation for love as the wind for fire is a small amount, and he inflates great. Our fire has become even hotter.

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