Notes of Thai Mommy: "In Thailand, the Russians are no longer happy?"


A year ago, all foreigners who choose Thailand the place of appearance of their heirs, were welcome guests in the country. Pregnant, as well as their satellites, gave a medical visa almost all for all nine months before the birth of a child, and then - for another six months, while the baby is not six months old.

When we just flew to Phuket, then immediately, no problem, got a three-month medical visa at me in the local immigration office and per assistant (usually gives her husband or just a satellite, but we quietly gave us to my mom). The validity period of the visa expired when Stephan was fulfilled one month and three days. Honestly, that's what I didn't worry about, so it's about visas for our family. Husband with his daughter has long been studied at English courses provided by educational visas for the next year. And my mother, with my mom, for all calculations, had to automatically get a visa to the moment until Stephana is half a year.

In the hospital, when we went to make the son of vaccinations, we were issued - the honor of honor - a certificate that the child born here on Phuket is still too small for flights. And the day before the expiration of the visa, my mother and I went to the immigration office. Nothing foreshadowed trouble ...

"I am very sorry, Madame, but you must leave the country tomorrow," the employee of the immigraish office told us a cute, "smiling.

At the first moment I decided that she was incorrectly understood her "Tai-Inglish". Repeat - please!

"Very regret, Madame, but you are obliged to leave the country tomorrow," he repeated the lady with the same cute smile. After adding, however, that the child, if we did not have time to make him all the documents, can stay while here on Phuket.

Stay Without me? Yes, he is on breastfeeding!

"Very regret, Madame, but you are obliged to leave the country tomorrow," the smile is no longer so dazzling. I realized that the audience was finished on this. Working in Immigreic foreigners volunteers explained to me that the rules changed literally the other day. And from now on, the medical visa is assumed only to those mothers whose children have not reached the age of one month. Just late for three days!

... In principle, nothing terrible, by and large, did not happen. In fact, thousands of expatoves living on the island, once a month chase to the neighboring Myanmar (just three hundred kilometers from Phuket), where they get the right for a thirty-day stay in Thailand. But I counted at least half a year not to think about visas.

As people who have access to power structures later told me, similar innovations are taken first because of us, Russians. More precisely, because of those of my compatriots who work here illegally, taking bread from Thais. Estimated at all immigrants from Russia, the authorities gradually twist nuts. And we suffer first of all, we, peaceful holidaymakers, which in Thailand only spend money, and do not take them away from the local population. First, the Russians managed to ruin the impression of themselves in Indian Goa, where our already expelled sticks. Now it came to the turn of Thailand.

... And my mother and I went to gather on the road to the neighboring Myanmar. But before departure, I managed to ask for an interview to the Russian consul on Phuket - to learn from the first mouth, whether those who assure: further will be even worse and here, in Thailand, are not happy yet ...

Continued ...

Read the previous history of Olga here, and where it all starts - here.

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