Pickpearts: Learn to get acquainted correctly


When mentioning the technique of a pickup, most represent men who can approach and seduce any girl, but it is not quite so. There is also a female pickup, and the courses of seduction for women enjoy not less popular than men. We will tell what rules should be adhered to attract the attention of almost any man.


As soon as you have decided on the object of your desire, you can start the first stage, namely to create a seductive image. Of course, a win-win version is a dress, high studs and a magnificent shock hair, but this method will attract a man only a couple of nights, no more. If there are long-term relationships in your plans, you do not need to seem to those who you are not: Men quickly "shakes" and disappointed you. It is best to emphasize your advantages of the figure, not to the detriment of your comfort: pick up feminine shoes at a low heel, which will give the necessary rise and make your bends more feminine.

Choosing a dress, thoroughly combine it with accessories and decorations, which are combined with this manner - give up volumetric bags and shapeless hats. You must emit femininity, and the appearance only helps you get into the mood.

Show you have a choice

Show you have a choice

Photo: www.unsplash.com.


Men tolerate can not be a dense layer of cosmetics on her face, especially if we are talking about day make-up. Use a minimum of funds to emphasize the merits and do not dwell on shortcomings. Before leaving the "hunt" best test makeup in advance to be confident in its resistance.

What's next?

After you gathered with the Spirit and sat down with a girlfriend in the Bar you like, you can start searching for a potential partner. The game of views is connected here. The most important thing is - a man should pay attention to you, and for this it is not rebiring and "shoot with eyes." As soon as the man drew attention to you, you do not need to show that you are interested, you can even smell with another man to give to understand - you have a choice in case of failure. As a rule, in this situation in a man wakes up the spirit of rivalry and he considers his duty to at least get acquainted with such an attractive woman.

He came up. You can congratulate you with a small victory. Now the main thing is not to move the object of desire. Remember that most importantly - stay feminine, and for this you do not drink too much strong alcohol, do not swear by mat and do not laugh at the whole room. Another big mistake that makes a man looking for the path of retreat - a complaint about life. The least of all your new acquaintance wants to know about your loans and problems with relatives.

Do not drink a lot

Do not drink a lot

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

During the conversation, you can not touch the open part of the body. But do it carefully. In general, be tactful and relaxed, listen to the interlocutor and do not speak too much so that the man wants to know you better, and for this you need to meet again. When you come together or you will say goodbye to a new acquaintance, show a little concern: almost any man will not remain indifferent to your participation. To do this, you can unobtrusively correct his tie or scarf. These small gestures are postponed in memory.

If everything went fine and he suggested that you ride or carry out - you can congratulate you with a victory.

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