Articles #196

Danila Kozlovsky goes on coaching work

Danila Kozlovsky goes on coaching work
Danil Kozlovsky, who played the famous hockey player Valery Harlamov in the film "Legend No. 17" (2012), decided to change the sports amplua and become...

Katya Lel: "Without a husband, I would never jumped from 5 meters"

Katya Lel: "Without a husband, I would never jumped from 5 meters"
- Katya, before you were invited to participate in the project, what are your relationship with sports at all?- In principle, I have always been playing...

COVID-19: Actual statistics on December 22

COVID-19: Actual statistics on December 22
In Russia : As of December 22, the number of infected coronavirus amounted to 2,906,503, and 28,776 new cases were revealed during the day. Since the beginning...

How to become an object of admiration: secrets of successful mammoplasty

How to become an object of admiration: secrets of successful mammoplasty
Beauty has long been a symbol and constant constituent life success, especially if we are talking about women. But not every representative of the beautiful...

Sometimes you can: prepare a pork steering wheel in beer

Sometimes you can: prepare a pork steering wheel in beer
On the street rain and slush, and we have warm ... It's time to take a pork steering wheel, pour cold water, add a small bulb, bay leaf, salt, black pepper,...

What is preparing a solar eclipse

What is preparing a solar eclipse
The main trend of the week will ask the solar eclipse, which will occur on Thursday, February 15, at 23-51 Moscow time. If you look globally, this eclipse...

Generation Z performs a fashionable revolution

Generation Z performs a fashionable revolution
The last few years of the house of fashion world name are increasingly focused on preferences of young people - generations Z. In Western society, the...

Cute and horned: 10 cartoons about the symbol of the new year

Cute and horned: 10 cartoons about the symbol of the new year
December almost ended, and you still do not feel the New Year atmosphere? No problem! The coming new year belongs to the metallic bull, so it is better...

What does the stars teach your children?

What does the stars teach your children?
Prince William:"I consider the main thing for my children - to keep a connection with reality. I will try to convey to them that, despite the fact that...

Katya Lel: "In man blooms life when he falls in love with

Katya Lel: "In man blooms life when he falls in love with
Singer Katya Lel in the clip on the song "Gamma Beta" is trying to compare human passions with natural phenomena and places a novel with a real macho,...

Products that will help lose weight

Products that will help lose weight
Soup of the dayEveryone knows that 1 time a day must be necessary to eat soup, which is necessary for normal digestion and stomach work. In addition, it...

Another recipe for Gaspacho

Another recipe for Gaspacho
Spanish cold tomato soup Gaspacho is perfect for a hot summer day. Its options are also a lot, like, for example, borscht. Each self-respecting Spanish...

Stars - also people: New Year in Kamchatka, alone, without Olivier

Stars - also people: New Year in Kamchatka, alone, without Olivier
10 days left the magical New Year's Eve, and many artists have already decided where and how to celebrate its offensive. With its plans and memories of...

Natural filter: 4 ways to effectively clean the liver

Natural filter: 4 ways to effectively clean the liver
One of the most important bodies constantly needs our support. However, the lifestyle of the classic urban resident rarely allows liver to relax: fatty...

Sergey Burunov: "I have a sofa period at home"

Sergey Burunov: "I have a sofa period at home"
- Hollywood stars are now frequent guests in Moscow. Have you ever met someone from those whom you voiced?- Met with Danny de Vito, when he came to Moscow...

Ophthalmferon: Beauty and Health in your eyes

Ophthalmferon: Beauty and Health in your eyes
"Wola", "clear-eyed" - these are epithets that have been awarded a beautiful woman from ancient years. But from the same time it is known: beautiful what...