Articles #113

Battle of fan clubs: what a foreign artist in Russia love more

Battle of fan clubs: what a foreign artist in Russia love more
Ramazotti Eros Ramazotti flies straight from Italy. The previous concert of the artist was canceled due to late payment of the speech by the host party....

The house that Kanye built: Stars-owners of the most expensive real estate

The house that Kanye built: Stars-owners of the most expensive real estate
For any major celebrity, the purchase of real estate is the almost everyday procedure, much longer the time of the stars spend on the design of the interiors...

Hollywood swept mystical horror!

Hollywood swept mystical horror!
Fergi with his spouse Josh Duhamel , leaving a newborn son on the care of grandparents, visited two different parties dedicated to Halloween. And every...

Yanina Studilina: "After top support, I have almost everything in bruises from Denis's hands"

Yanina Studilina: "After top support, I have almost everything in bruises from Denis's hands"
Star of the cult series "Ranetki" and the film "Stalingrad" Yanina Studilina in a dance project holds confident positions. The actress, which is called,...

No, not mommy: stars who choose young men

No, not mommy: stars who choose young men
In the "Instagram" singer appeared an intriguing photo: in the frame of Ani Lorak and Egor Gleb, the sound producer of the famous musical label. Fans,...

Aromas of off-season: the most interesting novelties

Aromas of off-season: the most interesting novelties
Women1. Light sourness of spicy Anisa is the very secret component that transforms the introductory notes of the limited IRIS Nobile Acqua di Parma. The...

Feel the 70s: story about the Batnik, who conquered Hollywood and the USSR

Feel the 70s: story about the Batnik, who conquered Hollywood and the USSR
Would our world be if women still wore dresses exclusively? It is difficult to imagine that most of our history ladies did not know anything about comfortable...

Preparing low-fat liver pate

Preparing low-fat liver pate
Do not forget that in chicken liver contains almost as much protein as in the dietary meat of breast. It is very rich in vitamin B9 (folic acid), which...

Andrei Kozlov: "Extra knowledge often prevent the right answer"

Andrei Kozlov: "Extra knowledge often prevent the right answer"
- Andrei, about how you take shooting, legends go. They say you still do not use the so-called "ear" to tip editors ...- Usually the lead in the ear really...

Notes of Thai Mommy: "In Thai villages, children are breastfeeding up to three years"

Notes of Thai Mommy: "In Thai villages, children are breastfeeding up to three years"
In just two days of my absence in Phuket, Stefan completely shot down a feeding schedule. And due to the fact that he had to give an artificial mixture,...

Not only Alzheimer: what can cause memory loss

Not only Alzheimer: what can cause memory loss
Most of us, from time to time or more often, experienced an unpleasant feeling when something forgot. These episodes of memory loss can cause irritation...

Ticket run: What plans can already be built on summer vacation 2021

Ticket run: What plans can already be built on summer vacation 2021
In modern conditions, in which we were due to a pandemic, it is impossible to say anything concrete when it comes to vacation planning - the situation...

Safe road: how to avoid unpleasant situations in a taxi

Safe road: how to avoid unpleasant situations in a taxi
Of course, if you have personal transport, in any situation you will prefer to use it, but there are times when it is impossible, and the subway or ground...

How expensive, very expensive to sell a wedding dress

How expensive, very expensive to sell a wedding dress
A resident of Great Britain Samantha Vuregg should learn to make a description to things exhibited for sale. Although, perhaps, such a number will be passed...

Popular fathers: who did not cope with this role

Popular fathers: who did not cope with this role
The divorce of Celabritis is rarely without scandals, the division of property and determining the rights to raise children. In an interview with the magazine...

Danil Kozlovsky and Olga Zueva: KinoMan with a continuation

Danil Kozlovsky and Olga Zueva: KinoMan with a continuation
The star of Danil Kozlovsky broke out on the Kinoneblon in the film "Garpastum" Alexey German Jr., where he played unless in love with man's football....