Danil Kozlovsky and Olga Zueva: KinoMan with a continuation


The star of Danil Kozlovsky broke out on the Kinoneblon in the film "Garpastum" Alexey German Jr., where he played unless in love with man's football. And after 13 years later, Danila returns back to the football theme, and not only as an actor, but also as a scenario and director. And this spring, Danil Kozlovsky begins in the status of a well-deserved artist of the Russian Federation.

If film critics noticed Kozlovsky in "Garpastum", then the wide viewer opened it after filming in the "Spirie" film. What only awards were not awarded the actor thanks to the role of Max: he was called "a man of the year", and "man of the year." But the main thing is truly nationwide love and popularity that literally collapsed on his head. Since then, Kozlovsky took its honorable place in the list of the most enviable bachelors of Russian cinema.

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Kozlovsky received the first significant role in the film "Garpastum". The picture took part in the contest program of the film festival in Venice

The next loud work was the film "Legend No. 17". The task before Kozlovsky was not easy: to play a real person, the legendary hockey player Valery Harlamov. Danila then studied the biography of Harlamov for a long time to find similar features and thus it is better to understand his character. And he succeeded. He saw the great artist in Kharlamov, and the role as a puzzle was formed. "It seems that the same skates, that everyone, the same club, also rides, but suddenly the jumps on skates, a hidden dribbling, and a hockey dance is born in front of your eyes," he told about his hero Danil.

The most busy picture in the filmography of Kozlovsky - "crew", where he played with Vladimir Mashkov. And shooting in the movie-catastrophe has become not the easiest experience for the actor. "There were green screens on the backgrounds, but we had a real huge building that collapsed, I remembered Danil. - We torn in real smoke. There were real ashes, fire, cold and wind. "

Nikolai Lebedev's films bring good luck to Danile. In Legend No. 17, the actor played the legendary hockey player Valery Harlamov ...

Nikolai Lebedev's films bring good luck to Danile. In Legend No. 17, the actor played the legendary hockey player Valery Harlamov ...

The bright Russian actor was noticed in Hollywood. True, while the experience of cooperation with the American "Dream Factory" can not be called as successful as in the homeland. The film "The Academy of Vampires", where Danil Kozlovsky played, unfortunately, failed at the box office. Today, the actor has a team of agents in America and the UK. They say, at the moment there are several interesting proposals at once. Although Danil himself looks in his Hollywood future realistic. "In America, they offer a major role in the genre of cinema - this is usually stupid bastards. There are independent projects, but there are often strange, incomprehensible, very copyright scenarios - he honestly admits. - I do not share it, I know all the difficulties faced by foreigners, especially Russians, in Hollywood. I treat it soberly, and then - life will show. "

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... And in the "crew" - the hero pilot. Both paintings have become hire hits

The personal life of Danils Kozlovsky has long been the subject of research of secular chronicles. Molva People attributed to Kozlovsky love relationship with Liza Boyarskaya, Julia Snigir, Anna Chipovskaya, Zoyy Deh. The actor himself does not particularly frank the actor about the affairs of Amur. The fact that he was already married once, and it turned out at all by chance: Danil "passed" his former classmates. A native of Poland Ursula Magdalena Malka studied together with Kozlovsky at the St. Petersburg Theater Academy on the acting and director's course under the leadership of Lion Dodina. They played lovers in the play "Warsaw Melody", and then unexpectedly even married to their common acquaintances. True, the relationship ended as rapidly as they began. However, both talked about their marriage with warmth. "For me, my wife - as an American president, never happens former," admitted somehow Danil. - Ursula - a man's native me, and it is for life. Our divorce is the case when the circumstances were stronger than us. But everything is wonderful. We accept the situation as it is. "

The fact that Kozlovsky has a new serious novel, began to speak three years ago - when he was seen in the Partner of the Bolshoi Theater on Ballet "Giselle" with a young actress Olga Zueva. A month later both appeared at the premiere of the film "Spirieless-2". But just quite recently, Kozlovsky finally allowed himself to almost officially confirm that they were with Olga binds something more than just a joint work and love for movies. In October last year, he presented a joint romantic journey. And on the birthday of Olga in my microbloga published her photo with a touching signature: "Birthday in Ireland, I love you!" Already after the return, Olga gave a small television interview, where he admitted that they live together with Danila. And although their union is very emotional and explosive, they manage to maintain harmony.

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