Choose the right gift for the child


I remember how in the distant childhood, during the years of deficit, I, the child, gave tights, bananas, boots ... How many parents were happy! I stubbornly waited for something else ... toys. Here he is the main gift for the child. Immediately becomes his property, it does not end, it is often listed. According to authoritative psychologists, as well as real friends, toys should be a little, so that the kid can go to each.

It is important!

- You should not focus on the first desire of the child, because it quickly passes, changes, forgetting. If something attracted something in the store or at the buddy, and continuous requests fell on you, switch it to something else and pay more attention to him.

- Try not to fulfill your desires. Just assume that your tastes can match. And if not, your own fire can ignite interest in the child, but if it is not his own, he will quickly go out. Or he will play this game only with you.

- Gifts for children and parents for children - not the same thing. We are talking about things that an adult will use for a child, but he is not yet able to understand that it is "Him."

"Remember that the child quickly gets used to the material award for good behavior, success in learning, and begins to demand it after one or two repetitions. Therefore, it is better to offer him an alternative: joint games, walks, work.

Great gift option is hand-made things. It is important for your parent to encourage the creation of toys with your own hands. Try to do together what you can buy. At the same time, pay attention to the fact that the homemade toy is better, more beautifully purchased. Feel free to connect to the process of all "hand" relatives - it will be a wonderful game with tangible result.

- Teach a child to give - no less pleasure than to receive. If you think so yourself, be calm for the child: he will be infected with your configuration, and the question of the poles will disappear by itself.

Towards children's whims

Help the child to avoid "overeating". Let him like the train, but it is not necessary to turn the whole children's railway. If you have noticed that the child likes something frankly ugly, non-harmonic, cruel, - suspend viewing cartoons, computer games. In return, take it into the picture, photo gallery, the museum. Discuss what I like that there is no and why. Consider the reproduction homes. Choose how to hang on the wall.

It is important for young parents to know that excessive effort often leads to the opposite result. Imagine that you picked up the perfect toy (bright, beautiful, from natural materials, national team, etc.), and the child turns away from it. What to do in this case?

- Children's tastes change rapidly. Today I did not like the gift - well: hide it until tomorrow and show again.

- He is still not Doros. He needs to master some skills to be wondering.

- If the toy is placed, do not despair: you found an excellent gift to children of friends, and maybe your next child!

Electronic games

It must be limited to as much as the strength and patience is enough. In our age, the child will still quickly master the skills of working with a computer, but the love of reading is much more complicated. IPad is very convenient for parents, it is very difficult to refuse it. But such a refusal promises huge dividends: children's networking gaming is growing not by day, but by the hour. And the transition from training programs (figures-letters) to races and shootouts will happen lightning and completely unexpected for you.

Cheat sheet for parents

Bad gifts:


electronic games;

dolls with threatening or ugly persons;

fragile toys;

Status Gifts (Phones, Tablets, etc.).

Good gifts:

- Books;

- musical instruments (xylophone, sweater, for dacha - drum);

- Mosaic / Domino;

- Wooden products (most, but without fanaticism);

- universal constructor;

- homemade toys;

- Sports / art supplies.

How to give - your script

- You give a toy from an attractive area of ​​the area. He is interested. Ask him to show you how to use it.

- You give something new, unfamiliar. Preparation is required here. A preliminary story without a show, then to blame, together to unpack. And be sure to play together. If the interest did not have awakened, remove everything up to the next time. Sometimes it takes five times so that the child is used to, appreciated the toy.

- The child quickly gets used to gifts associated with a concrete cause. It is better to give unexpectedly, and for holidays - in moderate quantity.

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