Roth on the castle: sexy lifehaki, if you can't make noise


It happens that passion overtakes at the most unexpected moment: visiting, at home, when you have guests or if a child is sleeping behind the wall. This does not mean at all that you should deny yourself the pleasure. We will share tips to your sex become an obvious fact for people around.

Passion can cover anywhere

Passion can cover anywhere


Turn on the music

A good way to conspiracy. Of course, you will not be able to estimate the passion with all the returns, but it is better so that nothing. You need to include music not too loud, otherwise you will attract even more unnecessary attention. The tool compositions are best suited, but do not focus on what you "go to listen to music" - it should be only a background, and not a reason.

Make it on the floor

No one is insured against a creaking bed, in addition, many beds have a heavy headboard, which at the most inopportune moment can fight against the wall. In this case, it is best to drag the blankets to the floor and have sex there. You can grab a pillow for more convenience.

Watch each other's eyes

Another good way of "quiet" sex. In the pose, when you can look at each other and communicate without words, usually fewer sounds. In addition, you can drown each other kisses.

The bed may be

Bed can "issue" you


Damage in the bathroom

Many have seen this option in a romantic comedy when the main characters are in a crowded guest house. However, this method is quite dangerous, as it is possible to lose the balance and apply to the partner, especially if in the bathroom wet. And keep in mind that someone from the guests may need a bathroom, while you will indulge passion - if the bathroom in the house is one, think if you will not become a nice irritated queue of guests outside.

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