Olesya Fattyova: "I'm still the only feeder in the family"


Everyone has their own reasons why he chooses the art of a movie. Olesi Fatatova for this reason was the maiden love in the famous actor. To get acquainted with him on an equal footing, she decided to get into the world of cinema.

"You have been engaged in music from childhood, professionally own tools, but then I still chose theatrical. They say everything was your right to love in the actor Ilya Noskova. Is it really so?

- Yes, I studied in the seventh grade. And having seen an excellent Ilya Noscova in the announcement of the film "Azazel" on Boris Akunin on the first channel, I fell in love with these eyes, in these curls and cheeks. My maiden heart was fought by the incredible beauty of the artist. Lying in bed at night, I figured out the plan to conquer his heart. I realized that if I came to him to Peter and I would stand before the scene with flowers, then this would not give anything. I will be one of all. And you have to be equal. And for this you need at least to become famous.

- And with Ilya eventually met?

- By the way, I met. Last summer. We laughed, wounded. I asked him, did he know that he was one dead soul on him? (Laughs.) We had a lot of common acquaintances. He was about me, maybe even told. Well, I told me constantly, because everyone knew.

- How did the institution chose?

- Student in the theater class in Kaliningrad, I wanted either to the MCAT school, either in Vgik. MHT - Because it sounded beautifully in my head, and Vgik - because it is a movie. But it so happened that in Mkate I was convinced that I would not do (perhaps bluffing). (Laughs.) And in the master who signed in Vgika, I just fell in love! In Igor Nikolayevich Yasulovich. The decision was unambiguous - VGIK. And again I fell in love, noticed? (Laughs.)

Olesya Fattyova:

Olesya Fattyova and Stanislav Bondarenko in the TV series "Verney My Love"

- Are you careful in life?

- Maybe yes. I still go to a safer way, although this path is most likely longer and longer. As for life after the birth of the daughter, here everything is unambiguously - I practically stopped risking.

"You're still a risky girl: gave birth to a daughter Masha at the end of learning." It was not afraid of a career, which has not yet begun?

- Yes, in the fourth year, in September. And I was very scary. And here, most likely, was the "pan or disappeared." I absolutely understood exactly: despite the fact that this pregnancy was not planned, the abortion is excluded. I'm joking that I have a daughter Made in China. I got pregnant in China. On the set of a joint film "Oh, flower Kalina." Returned to Moscow, the session on the nose, I understand that pregnant, panic, hair end. I am to the master on the carpet: "Igor Nikolayevich, let me, please take care! If I do not finish the Institute with my course, I will never finish it. "

Family values

- What do you put in chapter angle today - work or family?

- It's every time a difficult question for me. Because I absolutely realize that work will not bring me a cup of water in old age and nothing will replace relationships with my hot beloved daughter. And with all this, I have a wild excitement in the profession. I want more and better. And in this situation, I try to balance as an acrobat under the dome on the rope. So now Masha is far, in Moscow, and I have been in Kiev for the second year. But at the same time I am always in touch, for the weekend I go home to Marus. We all try to discuss, find out, discuss. She asks questions absolutely straight. Sometimes, adult questions concerning the relationship between a man and a woman. Those questions that I have already forced to answer as straight as it asks me.

Olesya calls himself a cautious girl, but sometimes it still allows himself a little extreme on vacation

Olesya calls himself a cautious girl, but sometimes it still allows himself a little extreme on vacation

Photo: Instagram.com.

- How old is she?

- Eight! She watched "Sex in the Big City" last summer with a grandmother in Kazakhstan. (Laughs.) I have grabbed my head, I thought: "Lord, as if to protect the brains in place. Soon hormones, soon all this will begin. Do not have time to look back. "

- What talents see Masha?

- She has been studying at the music school for the second year already in the second year and ... drums. Wanted to be a singing drummer. But on vocals, we still do not have enough time, the load is big. In addition, English with a tutor and home entertainment in the form of modeling and drawing.

- I heard that you also made a horoscope for Masha, is it true?

- Yes, I am fond of astrology. But so far insignificantly understand it, so often I appeal to professional people. So I made up the horoscope of my child to understand what to do the focus. And the astrologer told me that it would get a magnificent organizer - producer or director. And she is innovator! Invents all kinds of interesting things. But I do not set it on some particular profession. What will choose, it will be.

Digital Vera

- Are you superstitious, because it was born on February 13? Is this number playing any role in your life?

- I, of course, pay attention to the numbers, but without fanaticism. As for the superstition, I probably stopped believing in them. There are some moments, of course, which I try not to do, for example, the keys on the table are not putting, do not whistle at home. If my script falls, it is generally bad, I'm sitting at him immediately and I'll get up with him. But this is all psychology. The script fell, it means that you carefully treated him. This is a sign - be careful! I do not believe in the signs and superstitions, but in the signs that we are conducted and in psychosomatics. I try to observe first of all behind my body. And if I see some problems, I begin to immediately dig in psychological reasons. I can completely calm the neck. Out of the blue. And it continues until I constitute an internal question. Only allowed - immediately pain passed, everything relaxed. Although before that I could lie two days.

Daughter Maria Actress Olesya gave birth to a student. Now the girl is eight years old

Daughter Maria Actress Olesya gave birth to a student. Now the girl is eight years old

Photo: Instagram.com.

- How do you spend your usual day?

- Morning training in the hall, English by Skype with the teacher, then vocals with teacher, microphone and piano. Further mandatory communication with the family on Vaiberu or Skype. In the evening, hang up. I try to go to twelve. If I am at home and with Masha, then we cut off with her at ten.

I am pleasing to me

- How do you choose the role? Can you refuse?

- I still can not afford it. Now imagine, I did not have a single role from which I would refuse. (Laughs.) I'm still the only feeder in the family. And all financial responsibility lies on me. Therefore, I have to work constantly, although this need I am very pleasant. (Laughs.)

- What do you study on the set? For example, did you learn to fly by plane in the TV series "Night swallows"?

- Of course not! It was a donkey on the "Zelenka", we have a wind fruit. It is always hard because you are forced to pull out what you do not know. Mimic on the examples of films that watched. We never fought, never flew on airplanes. And thank God, I am insanely glad.

- Do you watch movies yourself in which?

- Yes, because I try to work on mistakes. This is important and necessary. In addition to viewing the finished paintings, I watches the playback during filming and mounted scenes. They removed the double - came up, looked. I did not like it, let's take another time. There are movies, from the filming of which there are not the most joyful memories, then I can afford him not to look. Although I follow the fate of the film, and, by spectator reviews and ratings, it still turns out good! And it is also pleased with me.

Olesya Fattyova:

In the asset actresses there are heroic roles, as in the series "Night swallows"

- In 2010, you starred in China in the movie "Oh, blooming Kalina", now you have the Turkish-Russian series "Sultan of my heart." What is general and what is the difference?

- difference in organization and relationships. Turks are generally well done. They are insanely hospitable. Everyone was done in order for the artists to be comfortable. As for the filming, I do not have a very big load and no scenes in Turkish! But the scenario itself was in Russian, Turkish and English. When I starred in China, the script was only in Chinese! (Laughs.) About China memories are already vague. I studied at the third course of theatrical. And I was, I remember, a trip is discouraged. A huge difference of mentalities. And, honestly, according to the end, I began to fear the Chinese. You need to keep your ear in Egor! I hope, because of my words, no international conflict will happen. (Laughs.) And with the Turks, I would like to continue working on.

- About the Turks learned something new? Did you happen there before?

- There I was never. And when I was going to go, of course, the national characteristics of the character immediately became "google". Knowing certain things, you can protect yourself from confusion in communication or avoid an unpleasant and irreparable situation! For example, if you agreed with Turk about something, then you need to discuss a specific date and time. Then everything will be fulfilled. If you are told that the case will be done next week or, for example, in the fall / spring, then there are no guarantees that it will happen in principle. The country is hot, people are slower than in Russia. All relaxed, no one hurries anywhere. And I am not about the tourist area now. And in Turkey, it is not customary to communicate at elevated colors. This is dangerous. The people are hot, any flash can lead to a large fire. All questions that rise with the Turk must be expressed in an absolutely friendly tone and form. If they are offended, they are offended forever, and I believe that everything should be in love, joy, harmony, humor - and this applies to all spheres of life and work too!

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