Lucheria Ilyishenko: "I'm fine with my personal life"


"You yourself from Samara and somehow admitted that moving to Moscow was not easy." Why?

- It should be understood that it was 1997, I am eight years old. A child from Samara, where there were grandmothers, relatives, friends, girlfriends and a lifetime, of course, the relocation was not easy. I am a rather modest person, I can not call him a wildly sociable girl who immediately becomes the soul of the company. Therefore, I was hard to equip in Moscow. This is a new team, and a new school. Father dies shortness, and again I change the school, again a new team, a ballet school. Yes, everything was quite difficult.

- Do you feel arrives or not?

- Never felt like arrives in Moscow. Specified in the capital, I live here with eight years. School started and finished here.

- You were engaged in ballet, you are the champion of Russia in Step. In the movie the ability to dance you?

- Not to say to leave. On the contrary. My name is some musical and dance roles, because I have a ballet past.

Lucheria Ilyishenko:

The role in the series "Sweet Life" allowed Luchery to become one of the most recognizable young actresses

- After the series "Sweet Life", which is called your breakthrough in the movies, did you have it myself?

- What life was, such and remained, and participating in this project me as a person did not change in any way. Yes, they began to recognize on the street, yes, they began to offer more projects, but in fact ... Sweet life does not depend on those circumstances that around you. The moments of happiness come spontaneously, and you can't even explain it. For example, just go on the street and suddenly you understand that now you are good. Similarly, you can sit in some beautiful place, have a wonderful project in work and feel yourself with a completely unhappy person. It seems to me that the parameters of happiness are a purely personal human feeling. And it is not caused by a material supply, nothing else.

- You said you began to recognize on the streets. How is it going?

- Suit, say: "Oh, it's cool! It's you? How are you there - Lera from 'Sweet Life. " We have the people, of course, stunning.

- Do you relate to such situations?

- On the one hand, it is cool when you know. The artist at the site does not receive applause as actor theater. And for us recognition and there is that high score of your work. On the other hand, we are all people people. When we go somewhere, tired, in a bad mood, sick, depressed, this attention straightened a little. You are not always cautioned when you are beautiful, painted, all such a sparkling, ready to be photographed so that you touched you, they talked to you. Sometimes you want to send everyone far away and silently sit on myself, bolding into the phone or book.

Lucheria Ilyishenko:

One of the latest works of Luchery is a role in the comedy "about love. Only for adults. " In the photo with a partner in the picture Vladimir Jaglich


"You still think that you need to assert yourself, and then, calming down, treat children?"

- Yes, with the development of feminism, I, of course, adopt all sorts of trends. Modern woman is not a housewife, she earns itself, is realized in various spheres to be a full-fledged person. For example, I absolutely disagree with the statements of our parents and people of previous generations, which say: I have to give birth, then God will send and place where to bring up a child, and some kind of money. But why give birth in the unforky age of a child who you don't need you can not say anything smart? In which you can't raise a full-fledged person? Therefore, I think that it is necessary to have an emotional, spiritual and material base, to be a full-fledged member of society in order to fruit and multiply. Need to dorat before.

- To have offspring, you need not only it. Do you have a personal life?

- What about my personal life? (Laughs.) All is well.

Luchery does not like to comment on his personal life, but recently in secular events it appears with the editor-in-chief of the male journal Alexander Malenkov

Luchery does not like to comment on his personal life, but recently in secular events it appears with the editor-in-chief of the male journal Alexander Malenkov


- What person should be next to you?

- I think it does not matter. Although ideally important, but life is such a thing that anything can happen. I look at the pretty sad experience of my mother, when everything was fine, and then my father simply did not. I'm not trying to be a pessimist, but it is always necessary to keep in mind. And you should always count on yourself. This is the direct duty of the mother - to make the child in the case of anything in anything. And who should be near? You just have to be full.

- You sometimes love to joke on different topics in your microblogging. In life, are you the same joker?

- I am in a conversational genre not the most pleasant and humorous person. But sometimes the grafoman feeling is overcome and want to serve, write something like. As a child, one of my part wanted to engage in journalism, I wanted to write, today I sometimes do it in a light entertainment genre. Just like that for yourself.

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