Yuri Loza: "Chess players are very sexy"


"Cute ladies, when your husband (friend, buddy, boyfriend, random acquaintance) once again hangs from a computer with some" shooting ", advise him to learn how to play chess. If he objected that this occupation for boring pensioners with limited potency, you can argue to him that almost all the great chess players beyond what is smart and talented, and very sexy. And I will try to throw you a few arguments.

When in the thirties of the last century, the third chess champion, sultry Cuban José Raul Kapablanca visited the USSR, at the hotel where he stopped, there was a more numerous crowd of lovers of women than the hotel in which Brad Pitt lived at the Moscow Film Festival. Unlike a lubricant American, the handsome Kapa Bablanca was well understood in the theater, music, ballet, visual art, spoke freely in five languages ​​and was a brilliant interlocutor. The chess played the best of all, he would add to the aggravation - would be invincible.

And about the "boring pensioners" - let's say, the eighth world champion, Mikhail Tal, has enjoyed exceptional popularity in the ladies and has been known for his novels. In addition, he was officially married to three times, among the women conquered them called the actress Laris Sobolevskaya, Pianist Bella Davidovich, the dancer to the world Koltsov and many others. Of course, not love loves made it a mound of millions, because Tal is known as a master of a combinational game, who has a unique romantic style and incredible intuition. Journalists called him a wizard, pirate, chess Paganini, almost aliens.

After the American Robert Fisher in 1972 became the eleventh world champion in 1972, the name of Bobby was recognized as the most popular among newborns in the United States, and chess musicals were shuffled on Broadway. But also the fact that Fisher not only raised the popularity of chess worldwide, but also increased the fees of chess players in tens of times, making the best of them very secured people.

Among the outstanding chess players, singers and musicians, physics and mathematics, writers and diplomats, but not boring fools, which confirm their numerous books and brilliant interviews.

True, the great writer Vladimir Nabokov in his novel "Protection of Luzhina" shows a brilliant chess player as a sober not from the world of this, but he and a writer in order to invent and think. Despite the fact that the Hero of the novel was a prototype, in real life the vast majority of chess players are absolutely normal. And Nabokov loved chess himself and was a recognized chess composer (so called compilers of tasks and etudes).

So you can safely say that if your husband (friend, buddy, boyfriend, a random acquaintance) spent for the study of this ancient and beautiful game as much time as on the shooting birds on pigs, it would be much smarter, and therefore attractive " .

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