Anna Gorzhaya: "I like the inflated silhouette, but in everything you need to know the measure"


-Anna, until the summer left not so much time. What is better to start a weight loss program?

"I would say, the cleansing program, since winter is a festive time, when we love to relax and eat calorie and non-displeased food, and we also prefer to sow, who are in the sun, who on the sofa is not important. The main thing is that a sedentary lifestyle makes its negative work. The first rule on the way to get rid of extra kilograms is to start drinking water, at least 2 liters per day. In the morning before meals in 30 minutes, it is desirable with a spoonful of honey and a lemon drop. Include cinnamon and ginger in the diet - add to tea without sugar and drink, how much your soul (check in advance whether you are allergic to these spices). The diet should be filled with a large number of fruits, vegetables and dairy products. And naturally, the movement is the life of the whole organism. Walk, give up the elevator, even if you live on the 15th floor, make a stretch and small gymnastics in the morning. For the first week I promise you minus 2-4 kg.

- Mnogy sit on a tough diet. That's the right decision?

-Lest diet in many cases depreciated on the results: how quickly you will "throw it" on it, and quickly kilograms will return. Especially if this diet is invented independently. The best diet is a separate food - proven for centuries! Remember and do not rape the body.

-How to be the one who has no money for a fitness center?

- It is possible to start with hiking, at least three circles around the house. Remember that fresh air helps to work your body. Run in the park, ride ice skating, sledding, bike, visit the city pool or just engage in videos from Cindy Crawford. With her in the student years I discarded 8 kilograms per month.

Anna Gorzhaya:

"My peculiarity is that I am not angular, and rounded." .

- are there any home fixtures that can replace expensive simulators?

"You can take advantage of a regular home chair and pumping a press on it by fixing yourself with your legs for the sofa. Dumbbells can be replaced with plastic bottles, filling them with water. Also a very efficient home simulator is a gymnastic Swedish wall. It is inexpensive - but the husband and children will appreciate. I can recommend buying a phytball - a Swiss gymnastic miracle ball, a simple and effective simulator who perfectly solves wellness problems for the whole family. Fitball successfully applies to correct the figure, forms posture and perfectly raises the mood.

- Power and sports, are there any items of the program that you can not forget about?

-Howful sleep is the key to the health of the whole organism, which means that the processes in it proceed faster. Do not forget that the program for a day should not be tired, but please you. Stress often becomes the cause of unnecessary kilograms or relapse for completeness.

-Anna, did you ever have to lose weight?

- I don't remember. (Laughs.) Maybe a couple of times, but I did not fix them. My peculiarity is that I am not angular, but rounded. (Smiles.) I like pumped, the dwelling silhouette, but in everything you need to know the measure. Such a woman and in 70 will look at 30. I strive for this ideal - a healthy, tightened mommy.

-You - "Mrs. Russia" -2013, businesswoman, wife, mom. How do you still manage to keep a healthy lifestyle, do yourself?

-Well, remember that the child and her husband need a healthy mother and wife. Therefore, I try to planfully plan and distribute my free minutes. Of course, I almost do not go to the spa salons, but I do not post fitness.

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