Fedor Dobronravov: "I certainly bring my family to Murom"


The actor stayed in Murom just a day, but managed to see a lot of interesting things. Visited the Stone Holy Trinity Temple, where he was attached to the relics of Saints Peter and Fevronia - the patrons of the family and marriage, then went to the Annunciation Men's Monastery, led to the local meal, well, and at sunset he came to the temple of Nicola Naberezhnye, where there is cancer with the relics of Holy Juliai. After hemnel, Fedor went on a tour of the Savior-Preobrazhensky men's monastery. Fedor and his friends settled in one of the private hotels located in the village of Karacharovo, where, according to legend, and lived 33 years old Ilya Muromets. In the evening, the whole company gathered in a wooden house for dinner in Russian style under the accompaniment of a local folk ensemble.

- Fedor, I got the impression that these places are already familiar with you ...

"Indeed, ten years ago, I probably came to my friend in the village," I once served with him, "and he told me:" Let's go on naughty places? " And we went. I just remembered today, driving the temple in Vladimir and the Temple of Ilya Muromman in Murom, that ten years ago stood here just as in winter. Incredible places, incredible goodness in the soul, calm. For some reason I am sure that we are far from the last time.

- By the way, today you came alone, without relatives. Why?

- Everyone has such a tight schedule. I hope that someday we will definitely postpone our affairs and come. I will certainly take out my family here.

Fedor Dobronravov:

The ideological inspiration of the trip became a friend of Fyodor Dobronravov - actor, producer and president of the national program "In the Circle of Family" Alexander Kovtunets (in the photo: Left). Photo: Personal archive Fedor Dobronravova.

- In general, do you often travel?

- I travel a lot, but as a rule, everything goes on the schedule "Air-hotel-playground" schedule. And this trip was organized in advance. In addition to excursions, we played the play "Rita Education" first in Ivanovo, and then in Vladimir. I agreed at the Satira Theater, where I serve that I was given a day off on this day. Such trips to holy places occur, unfortunately, infrequently. I can not say that I am a believer. Rather, God-fearing, I believe that God is there and you need to fulfill what he bequeathed. And then everything will be fine.

- What gifts are lucky?

- I scored holy water at the source near the house, where Ilya Murometh had ever lived. Bought Murom Gingerbread for granddaughter Vari. She is a sweetheart and with pleasure they will eat them. In general, my wife is engaged in all purchases. I even photos, as a rule, do not, do not like to be photographed. Just trying what I saw, leave in memory.

- Your granddaughter has recently been three years old. How did the family holiday noted?

- Gathered family and wonderful celebrated birthday. Sold, of course, the child. We were before her birthday in Austria, where many gifts bought her. They tried to stretch this birthday: start to give in the morning, continue the day, and complete - in the evening. Even parents were asked to stop, because everyone is given, and the child begins to change the views on the value of gifts. Although, of course, we are still her pool.

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