Logical finale: how to get out of the great post


The Great Post will end pretty soon, but is your body ready for such a sharp transition? Any changes are stress for our body, and shake, as you know, can affect any of the body systems. To prevent this, it is necessary to get out of the lean mode. About how to do it, we will tell today. You are ready?

Careful with squirrels

The first thing to which most is returned after several lean months, - products, animal origin. If you do not calculate the portion, it is quite realistic to obtain an overload with an animal protein - at this stage the body is difficult to handle such complex elements, and this applies not only to red meat, but even eggs. In the first week after the post, try a few pieces per week, no more. As for the meat itself, start returning better from river fish, gradually moving to red, and then on the bird and red meat.

Coffee with coffee

Coffee with coffee

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

fruit plate

Since most of the vegetables and fruits did not refuse, it is possible to continue to use vegetable origin products in the same portions, but be careful with the fiber - too much vegetable fibers can create a large intestinal problem. In general, as we have already spoken, the most important thing at the exit from the post is not overloading the body in any way. To allow fruits and vegetables to quickly fulfill, make refueling using fermented fermentation products, such as kefira or thermostat yogurt. You not only speed up the metabolism, but also increase the immunity in this difficult time, since the "milk" perfectly helps multiply useful bacteria in the intestine.

What about seasonings?

From sharp seasonings in the first weeks after the post it is better to refuse. Instead of ready-made mayonnaise and ketchup, dilute the tomato paste without additives or prepare sauces from a natural "fermencker", as we have spoken above. The only exception can be soy sauce that can also be used in the post. And if she wants something unusual, acid berries will come to help you, of which you get a great refueling to meat.

What we will drink

First of all, we assume all carbonated drinks and ready juices. We make fruits from sweet berries and compotes from fresh fruit (optional). Good news for coffee makers - you can return to the usual use of coffee or coffee drinks with milk, but no more than three cups per day. There is no restrictions on the use of tea, however, as in the case of coffee, try not to abuse.

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