Prince Your abroad: pros and cons relationship with a foreigner


Probably, almost every of us has a girlfriend or a friend who dreams of marrying a foreigner, and maybe without a stop telling how beautiful the Spaniard she met on vacation this summer. Or maybe you yourself do not mind spinning an exotic novel? However, psychologists are not configured as optimistic - in relations and especially in marriage with a man of another culture there are "pitfalls". We will tell you what you should think about before going to another country to the man of your dreams.

Your values ​​may not coincide

If you are in principle no idea about culture, history and lifestyle of people, in whose country you are going to move, you can wait for this shock. Installations adopted in the family of your chosen one can go a contrary to yours, and if in one case it will not be an obstacle to the creation of a family with a man from another cultural environment, it happens that diametrically different views make it impossible to continue.

Your values ​​may not coincide

Your values ​​may not coincide


Between you there will always be a language barrier

You can get all the certificates of the world confirming your knowledge of your language, but you will never immerse your partner on the "language depth" of your partner. Yes, nothing will interfere with communication, but you will still be embarrassed when when you meet with his relatives or friends, you will not understand some of the "chips", which are only available to these people, which will be copied in you and grow offense, which in The ultimate will turn into a scandal with your foreign halve.

You will have to "reset" your life b

He made you an offer, you collect things on this joyful note and move to it. Time passes and you understand what you need to be equipped - looking for a job, you may want to continue learning, or will do science. Here you are waiting for disappointment: most of your certificates and diplomas on the territory of another country simply does not matter. Of course, if you still have no question of receiving documents that are valid abroad. Are you ready to entrust your life to your chosen one until "secure" your professional rights? Just honestly.

During divorce, certain difficulties may arise.

During divorce, certain difficulties may arise.


Problems at divorce

No matter how happy they were not in a new relationship, always have the way to retreat. Everyone will become more complicated if children with a foreigner will appear. No one eliminates the likelihood that when he was grossing a spouse, you will calmly go home, and the child will remain with his father, since your baby is a citizen of another state. This item is probably the most important, so adequately appreciate your future in someone else's territory: Are you ready to fight for children in case of divorce? Delling children under the condition of various citizenship of parents - the process that definitely will overtake you and the decision of the court with a high probability will not be in your favor.

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