Do not hold in my head: Possible reasons why you lose memory


Probably difficult to disagree with the fact that loss of memory even in a light form can cause serious anxiety that it is quite logical. Today we have to keep in my head just incredible information, which means good memory - the key to performing quality work. So what can the causes of memory loss can hide? We tried to disassemble the most popular moments.

Infinite information information

As we have already spoken, the information enters our brain every second huge stream, which is almost impossible to control. To filter only the desired facts, our brain makes just incredible work. Nothing amazing is that the system at some point can fail, and part of the information, sometimes very important, pass by. One of the main skills today becomes high-quality filtering of incoming information and regular discharge of the brain, especially if your work is related to the processing of this information itself.

We are in constant stress

Another problem is a big city - stress that develops into chronic. The maximum emotional overload can simply "put a pause" the thought process. In some sense, this moment can be compared with the psychological protection of our body - all the forces are thrown to eliminate unpleasant factors, the forces and time remains for memorization. If you understand that the information has become worse perceived and you can not keep important facts in my head too long, check how much your life is subject to stress. This is one of the most popular reasons.

Information flow is simply infinite

Information flow is simply infinite


Hormonal violations

This factor relates more to women, as the powerful jumps of hormones most often occur in the female body, take at least pregnancy and the next first months after childbirth, when the hormonal background is most rebuilt. One of the most important hormones - oxytocin - in large quantities it is capable of not just worsening, but also to weaken the process of memorization, with which women are often faced during breastfeeding. Of course, in the absence of serious deviations, mental abilities are rapidly restored, but chronic hormone problems can greatly complicate life.


A condition that destructantly affects all systems, but primarily seriously reflected on brain activity. The thing is that the vessels are thickened, while smaller vessels are pierced to such an extent that the blood flow is partially overlapped, and this leads to great problems when memorizing not just important facts, but even simple words. In such a situation, the main solution of the problem will be the restoration of normal blood flow.

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