Fluffy test: Determine the temperament of a man in his pet


Many people do not even suspect how beloved pet can issue the inner world of his master. As a rule, we bring a fluffy friend in accordance with your worldship, and not at all by chance. This moment can be very helpful if you just met your partner and are at the stage of acquaintance with life and habits of each other. Let's find out what can be said about your man when you came to visit him, and to meet you will run out / crashes or even crashes his friend.


Men who prefer to start dogs can be envied in the ability to communicate. It is difficult to remain an introvert if the dog lives at home, and it does not matter what kind of breed. You can say about the dog card that he is quite ready at the case of going to visit or to a party, he will not have to persuade him for a long time, and he, in turn, will not look for excuses, dogs - definitely not a household, after all, walking in any weather, and therefore he Accustomed to the fact that from time to time you have to leave the comfort zone. If you lead an active lifestyle and, in principle, accustomed to defend your opinion, a dog dog - your perfect satellite.

And who lives at home from your man?

And who lives at home from your man?

Photo: www.unsplash.com.


Silent phlegmatic - a frequent type of man who has a cat at home. Of course, cat owners can be an extroverts that do not hold in four walls, but most often worships will not please you with an exciting conversation, and the soul of the company such people are rare. But that such a man just adores - home comfort, especially if terrible weather on the street. It is worth understanding that it will be difficult to break such a man from the place, and therefore the party will be sad and it is hardly a couple long. But for a woman who is not accustomed to rush and will be happy to stay at all weekends at home, and even better in bed, the cat will turn out to be a beautiful pair.


Bird owner, especially rare, you will see immediately - these people are not used to being in the shade. Very often, such a man turns out to the soul of the company or is always ready to support the fun initiative. There is nothing surprising, after all, birds, especially small species, is a rather noisy company, and a person who is accustomed to peace and not tolerant fuss, simply will not make such a neighborhood. Be sure the man who adores birds has iron nerves and quite stressful. You will never be boring with him, and in the inventing ideas for the holidays, he will simply won't be equal.

Live exotic

In the big city, the owner of an exotic pet is not uncommon. You can say about such a person with confidence that it is not afraid to make decisions, the opinion of others rarely cares that for a man's undoubted plus. However, it is important to understand that your opinion will also be questionable in your pair. In addition, this man is always the leader, which means you have to learn to give up and always consult before making a decision, even if it concerns you.

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