Paul Derevyanko pumped up press to cubes


For more than three months, the series "Black cats" was filmed, Odessa became for the actor Paul Derevyanka his native home. In an optional detective, the actor played the main role - an employee of the criminal investigation department of Egor Dragun. In his spirit, the story told in the series is close to several historical detectives: 1947, the city is controlled by criminal groups, with one of which is facing Major Thro.

Because in the picture of Paul, a lot of tricky scenes, he began to prepare for the role a few months before the start of the filming. Together with the leader-tricks and Cascader Alexander Yezhzhin went to the shooter, where he studied to handle arms. But specifically "to drive" the artist to the gym to lead to the proper form, did not have to. Paul recently pays great attention to its physical training, so goes into the gym every day.

"He became like Apollo," Yawzha said. - I can confirm that he has all eight cubes on the press! A little offensive that in the course of the film he did not have to remove the shirt and demonstrate it. "

In an effortless detective, the main role was played by the head of the criminal investigation department of Egor Dragun. .

In an effortless detective, the main role was played by the head of the criminal investigation department of Egor Dragun. .

Even during the filming of "black cats", the actor did not give himself relaxing, conducting a dumping and weekend with dumbbells and rods.

"We had the maximum saturation of the tricky scenes, and we shot them in very detailed, which is completely atypically for the series," the director Evgeny Lavrentiev is divided. - Especially there was a lot of shootouts, in which ten-fifteen people were involved at the same time. At first, the tricks, together with the actors, worked out the scene in the gym, then she was filmed on the camera and disassembled in detail what happened, and what - no. Only after that we moved to the shooting area. "

Most of the tricks Pavel Derevyanko performed in the series alone: ​​drops, fights, jumping, shooting. In some scenes you can see how an actor takes off the three-meter fences in a couple of seconds, not worse than a professional park warer.

Most of the tricks Pavel Darychko performed in the series on his own. .

Most of the tricks Pavel Darychko performed in the series on his own. .

"In the gym we worked out fights, tumbling and coups. A couple of times I really jumped from objects with a height of several meters. But I think that in this, in general, there is nothing heroic, "says Paul. "Also, this is not the first of my film, in which I shoot in the frame. But there is one point: when a professional shoots, he does not blink, because he has experience and practice. If you shoot for some time you do not engage, this skill disappears, and when the eyes are shot, they are involuntarily closed. I had to work on myself. And my hero is a former scout, and they, as it turned out, a special gait is more cautious and spring. I produced such a gait specially. "

In addition, the actor is easily controlled on a pad with tricky transport. "The Hero of Paul rides the old motorcycle, and, you need to admit that not all car stunts can manage with such a way," said Pavel Yezhazh. - The clutch on it does not squeeze, the steering wheel does not turn. And the wooden sat down and immediately rushed through the Odessa blocking. " Motorcycle specifically bought from collectors specifically for the films. "A couple of times he is Gloh in an interesting place. But so it is a prospective - motorcycle for more than 50 years! - remembers Paul himself. "Every day, he lubricated him in front of the shooting. I also tried to be careful and at the end of the shooting, rare transport returned safe and sound. "

Paul Derevko was easily controlled on the site and with tricky transport. .

Paul Derevko was easily controlled on the site and with tricky transport. .

By the way, Paul's colleague, Actress Olga Lomonosova, who performed the role of Anna, in one of the scenes had to leave the chase on the American car Packard in the 1940s.

The actor was so resolutely configured in his desire to fulfill everything independently, that sometimes Cascaders had to even stop him, not allowing the most dangerous tricks. Once they decided to specifically check the determination and exposure of the wooden. According to the plot, his hero had to run along the roofs of the train cars, get wound and fall from a 6-meter height to the ground. The actor climbed up, began to undergo a scene with Cascader and, reaching the final fall, saw on the ground stones and steel rails. Paul asked: "Do you even conceal the mats to me?" - "No, everything should be realistic. We put on you only protection. " Without thinking, Darychically agreed to such an option and was disappointed when the stiders admitted that they were joking.

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