And at home it is better: to whom from Russian stars bored abroad


"In fact, I would stay!" - recalls his life in the US Nikita Presnyakov. Grandson Alla Pugacheva studied at New York Film Academy from 2004 to 2009. However, since 2008, his acting career in Russia began in parallel - more and more projects demanded his participation in their homeland. Nikita thought that the return to Russia would be temporary, but was mistaken: here he met the future wife, model Alena Krasnova, and created his own musical group. He is not the only celebrity, which decided to change the beauty of the Mounted Mounted Many West to the native expanses of Russia - made a selection.

Lyubov Uspenskaya

"As I remember, we flew in New York on May 14, on Wednesday, and already on May 16 I sang at the Sadko restaurant on Brightton Beach," the singer's arrival in America. In 1978, she emigrated in the USA with her husband Yuri Assumption, in neighboring Canada, at that time her dad had already lived with a new family. In the USSR, the Usspenskaya propheted all his life to perform in restaurants, which was considered a low career, whereas in the US, it was exactly the star. For money earned in Sadko, she first performed a long-time dream - recorded a solo album. In the 90s, love became more and more likely to fly to Russia - here she was already a pop star. And later, in the mid-90s, finally moved to his homeland, where he continued a successful career.

Danil Kozlovsky

One of the most popular Russian actors now lives into two countries. After in 2014, his Hollywood debut "Academy of Vampires" came out, famous directions began to often invite Danil on shooting abroad. At one of the parties in the US, he met an actress by Olga Zueva, who had long emigrated from Russia. However, Kozlovsky did not hurry to change the country of residence and chose to translate his beloved home: "I am a Russian artist and this is proud of it. As for America - I am convinced that today, in the 21st century, you can really become an international artist and work equally in my country and abroad. "

Leva Bi-2

The musician with an atypical surname in the 90s, after another and the second soloist of the Shawn group, moved from his native Belarus to Israel. Then, in 1998, he went to Australia - there his musical career began again. For a long time, played on the bass guitar as part of the group "Chiron", at the same time releasing the plates along with the partner. After filming in the "Brother-2" film, a wave of fan love was collapsed for a group - men moved to Russia and began to tour in the country. "In the emigration we kept ourselves, in general, in Held Mittens, because there were no spare options behind your back and we felt responsible for themselves for themselves and for their music. And when we flew to Russia, our songs have already spinning on the radio, and we plunged into this rock and roll with your head, "recalls the beginning of the 2000s musician.

Mikhail Shufutinsky

Singers who are executed by chanson, in the 80-90s massively emigrated to America. Mikhail Shufutinsky also did not exception - in 1981 he, together with his wife and two sons, moved abroad. At first, like everyone, sang in restaurants on Brighton Beach, and later received an unexpected offer ... Mikhail was invited to speak at the Arbat restaurant near Hollywood, which was then considered a singe-emigrant dream. The career was excellent, but the soul still pulled home. About 10 years old, the performer toured between the United States and the USSR, and in the 90s finally moved back. "I don't want to live there. I never come there. I do not live there, the house is inactive there, that's all, "says Shufutinsky on a hearing for the sale of real estate in America.

Ilya Reznik

In the 90s, Rebye was invited as a poet to work abroad, where he wrote poems to chanson music. The author of the texts of Hits Alla Pugacheva returned to Russia only in 1994, 4 years after moving to the United States. Abroad, he left his family - Wife Munirau and Son Arthur. "Ilya took me with the four-year-old son to America and left there alone," the former spouse is remembered in an interview. In Russia, he began a new novel, which ended with a wedding on Irina Romanova, his assistant.

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