From Russia with love: what are foreigners learn from our cosmetologists


We are accustomed to believe that all overseas, overseas, - a priori is the best. Including with regard to medicine, cosmetology. However, in some regions, we have long been ahead of foreign specialists. A bright example is a threaded lifting of polyolic acid. Once this procedure came to us from France, but now the same French doctors are already learn from our cosmetologists. And the head coach on Resorblift is not only here, in Russia, but in general worldwide is our compatriot, doctor of aesthetic medicine, director of the Moscow Beauty Institute Belle Allure Elena Radion.

Elena Radion, Chief Physician of the Beauty Institute BELLE ALLURE. Dermotokostologist, cosmetologist. He graduated from the first Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov. Aesthetic medicine has been engaged since 1999. In 2007, founded the Belle Allure Beauty Institute in Moscow. At one of the congresses in Paris heard the threads of resorblift from polyolic acid, realized that this novelty was a real breakthrough in cosmetology, and caught fire for the idea of ​​bringing the thread to Russia. I concluded the contract, convinced that this drug is absolutely necessary on our Russian market. In 2011, the RESORBLIFT threads were officially registered in the territory of the Russian Federation.

At the moment, the head coach of Resorblift nitime lifting experts is not only in Russia and the CIS countries, but also around the world.

Elena Radion, Chief Physician of the Beauty Institute Belle Allure

Elena Radion, Chief Physician of the Beauty Institute Belle Allure

The world community of cosmetologists has the ability to constantly communicate, share experiences, learn from each other. For this purpose, congresses are held worldwide. And in recent years, Russian specialists are actively involved in these forums. And not only as students, but also as speakers, whose beliefs listen and to which they are later recorded on master classes.

One of the largest European international events in the field of aesthetic and surgical medicine - Amec (Anti-Aging Medicine European Congress), which presents the unique achievements of modern cosmetology, novelties and trends. One fact is the fact that one or another clinic is invited to the forum, already speaks many things.

In October of this year, another AMEC took place in Paris. There was an interactive program on "Global trends in the field of aesthetic and anti-aging medicine for ethnic and cultural differences".

Among the participants were representatives from Russia, Doctor of Aesthetic Medicine, Director of the Beauty Institute Belle Allure. Elena Radion presented the achievements of the nite lifting.

At Congress in Taipei, Elena Radion has enjoyed great success.

At Congress in Taipei, Elena Radion has enjoyed great success.

"Amec is a really significant event," Elena Vladimirovna says. - Specialists from all over the world can find out what the new is happening in anti-age-medicine. In this event, cosmetologists, plastic surgeons, as well as endocrinologists and gerontologists, were taken part - after all, today everyone is clear that injections in the face for the fact that it is clearly neutralized, is clearly not enough. "

Another prestigious international forum - Imcas (International Master Course on Aging Science). He was born in 1994 in Paris, and since then has been held four times a year in different cities of the world. Recently, the number of participants exceeds 5 thousand of almost 100 countries. Depending on which the country is undergoing the forum, its program is determined. After all, each region has features, therefore, the theme of the events always has its flavor.

At the end of last year, IMCAS first visited India, in the resort Goa. Participants could visit scientific sessions and training seminars, as well as a variety of symposia and live demonstrations. Russia in this forum was represented by Elena Radion.

"It was an amazing event. From the Russians there only I was present with the translator. A little presented specialists from Europe. But mostly local cosmetologists. India Today is a country that develops rapidly rates. Local specialists very quickly adopt the world experience. Judging by what interest they listened to my report, in the thread lifting in India, great prospects. "

Already in January, Elena Radion went to IMCAS, which was held in Paris, there she was in the company of a large number of speakers from Russia. A little later went to Taiwan Island, in Taipei, where Russian specialists have not yet traveled. There, the report from Russia enjoyed great interest.

The Russian cosmetologists have not traveled to Taiwan Island. Elena Radion became the first one who won such honor

The Russian cosmetologists have not traveled to Taiwan Island. Elena Radion became the first one who won such honor

"At the moment we have a correspondence with local cosmetologists," Elena Vladimirovna says. "While they are not going to come to Russia to share experiences, but actively recognize the details of the procedure, the features of the technique that I applied in one way or another."

French surprise

The spikeness of the situation is that the threads of polyolic acid, which have become so popular in the world thanks to Elena Radion, were born in France. For about ten years ago, Dr. Paul Touron and French Medical Laboratory CHOC Medical. After non-disseminating threads (gold, platinum and so on), Resorblift threads became a truly revolutionary find. After all, polyolic acid contributes to the destruction of old collagen and the formation of new collagen fibers, which provides support for tissues and a kind of additional framework. In addition, it is a biorevitalitisant, stimulates the synthesis of young cells, moisturizes and rejuvenates the skin.

So RESORBLIFT non-natural lifting is the most natural and physiological alternative to traditional plastic operations, especially at the initial stages of aging.

Modern threads made of polyolic acid are capable of tightening any desired area: cheeks, cheeks, nasolabious folds, chin, eyebrows, forehead.

By the way, the non-disseminating threads are bad "worked" at the forehead zone - here are thin skin, the contours of the threads could be visible. And with resorblift it is easy to tighten and raise forehead and eyebrows, make a look more open. These threads can be used even on hand brushes, where too thin and delicate skin. RESORBLIFT threads are used in other places of the body - help pull the surface of the neck, neckline, chest, the inner surface of the hands, hips, anterior abdominal wall.

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It is not surprising that the RESORBLIFT threads became popular with women. And the most demanded procedure they became in women from Russia. "Maybe this is due to the fact that in our country a fair sex has more attention to themselves, appearance, more money spend on cosmetology procedures? And more often resort to radical methods than the same Frenchwomen, "says Elena Radion. - In any case, it turned out that the procedure for the installation of threads from polyolic acid is more in demand in Russia. Accordingly, we have experience for today much more. "

Therefore, French Masters-Cosmetologists to learn some subtleties of the installation of threads, already go to learn from Elena Radion, the head coach on Resorblift worldwide. About once every six months, Elena Vladimirovna gives a master class in Europe. Among the "students" - doctors cosmetologists not only from France, but also from Germany, other countries.

"It is clear that thanks to my rich experience, I just look at a person, I already understand how and where it is better to establish a thread for a more optimal result," Elena Radion explains. - And I can even advise how to apply them in the most unexpected, as many people may seem, regions. Indeed, in the world of beauty, too, there are trends. Now, for example, such a trend appeared: with the help of plastic surgery, the distance from the tip of the nose to the lip is reduced. And I already have a picture in my head, how can this be done using the threads.

Or, let's say, take the nose correction. Recently, a lot talk about non-operational rhinoplastics. So, the RESORBLIFT Threads can perfectly cope with this problem. For example, with their help you can lift the tip of the nose. For some reason, not all pay attention to this, but the fact: when a person begins to grow old, he has all the fabrics, including the tip of the nose. And when the patient makes a complete facelift, then with the lowered tip of the nose it looks not very harmonious. "

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Since Resorblift threads are perfectly combined with other procedures, the skill of the cosmetologist is also to choose each patient the necessary complex. For example, people prone to completeness, pre-hardware effects are recommended to reduce subcutaneous fatty fiber, especially in the second chin area. And there are a lot of such subtleties when working with threads. The Belle Allure clinic headed by Elena Radion, now began to lay out clips with their works on the public channel. Just with the aim of showing what results can be achieved with the help of nite lifting and how to competently combine those or other procedures with threads.

To the question, if Elena Radon is not afraid to scatter her knowledge like that, she only smiles: all the nuances can not be conveyed. For this you need to work with patients daily for long-to-long years.

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