Friends you don't need


It happens, you are friends with a person for a while, but then you understand that you do not get from this friendship what I would like, for example, support and respect. In the world, where we are constantly exposed to the outside, it is so important to find a person who would understand us, and did not condemn. Nevertheless, we continue to communicate with people who bring to us discomfort, although it would have done to say goodbye to them. We collected 5 types of friends from which you need to run without regard.

a friend must support you

a friend must support you


Friends that you do not sympathize

One of the most important qualities of the present friend - you can always count on support. It is difficult to stay next to a person who does not show any sympathy to you. Communicating, you must be sure that in a difficult situation you will always find an understanding and your friend will not drive to solve problems yourself.

If this does not happen, man is clearly anyway what will happen to you in the future. Such people are usually selfish, are not able to take care of someone, except for themselves. It is unlikely that such a person needs to continue communication.

Friends who constantly condemn you

It is impossible to live this life without mistakes, and friends - just those people who should be near you at the moment you got stuck. They should not be offended if you did not call them into the movies and went to themselves. The only thing they should do is ask if you liked the film, and no reproaches.

With a friend, you should not be afraid of being yourself if you feel uncomfortable, think if you need such friends.

gossip should not be the norm

gossip should not be the norm


Friends who will never tell you well

Yes, it happens that we are talking about loved ones not the most pleasant things. But still there is a distinction between, says a man about you badly or discusses the unpleasant situation in which you were. A real friend will never sit down with another person to "give up" you.

You, too, should not like everything that your acquaintances do, but you do not go down to gossip and perekov. If there are such people in your environment, review your circle of friends and friends.

Condemnation is unacceptable

Condemnation is unacceptable


Friends - manipulators

Such people usually say all sorts of vigility to get the desired, and how they will do it - the question is far from the first order. Remember that the person who you are expensive will not try to squeeze out of you as much money as possible for yourself, because friendship does not imply benefit.

Such people will make you believe that you are important to them, but all this will continue exactly until the moment you need.

Friends who do not work on relationships

If you often encounter the fact that a friend is constantly postponing meetings with you, says that it is busy / sick, and it repeats from once at times, something is not something for sure. When a person wants to communicate, he does everything so that this communication does not stop. And in the case when a friend leaves you one on one with problems and appears, only when something needs to be, hardly your real friend is hardly. Be careful to your surrounding!

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