Natalia Gulkina: "On the inner sensations I am not more than 35"


- Natalia, you have returned from a trip to Hungary the other day. Why did you decide to go to this country?

- When I was two years old, my parents ran away, did not come together with character. My grandfather worked at the USSR M Lamine and was sent to Budapest on the distribution. And until five years I lived there with my grandparents and even believed that they were my mom and dad. Of course, I remained photos of that time, but I can't boast remembrance. Therefore, I always had a dream to go someday in Budapest. Friends and my director Lyon Koishev knew about it. And on my 50-year-old anniversary, they made me such a gift. And I was hung up and found people who could remove the film about me.

- And how were the filming of the film?

- Perfectly! We combined them with walks. Walked along different attractions, looked at all the bridges, were in the Hungarian bazaars, where there are so many handmade beauty - tablecloths, covered and so on. I liked the parliament insanely. It is made according to the likeness of London, and since near the river, it turns out that the building is practically afloat. The only thing I regret was that it was not to visit the zoo. I have a lot of children's photos from there. Grandmother said that when I was small, then for two hours I was idle with Woller with waterfowl. But in the winter period there are few animals, so we did not go. And in the summer we will definitely return, already with children. In general, the impressions of the mass, I hope that the film turned out great. By the way, I did not limit it. When we flew, I said to operators: "Guys, film film, but we will also take a clip."

In Budapest Natalia Gulkin, removed not only a film about himself, but also a new clip. Photo: Personal archive of singers.

In Budapest Natalia Gulkin, removed not only a film about himself, but also a new clip. Photo: Personal archive of singers.

- That is, the new song has already been?

- It is called "in the gomon of the city" and also never sounded anywhere. I sent it to Eurovision, but from there I did not come a response or bring. And since this case, I decided that I could use this composition and remove the clip on it. And so we floated on the Danube on the steam of the transparent roof. And at the top there was such a balcony where it was not allowed to climb, but we still jumped out with the operator, and the final turned out to be wonderful. At one of the excursions, we saw a Russian company. Some of them learned me. And it began: asked to take a picture, staged a photo session, the operator began to shoot it all. And here I had an idea so that these cute boys and girls would play against us in the clip. We asked, the guys immediately agreed. I am sure that it will turn out a beautiful clip.

- Time to buy souvenirs left?

- Yes, we had one only day for gifts to friends, dancers, relatives. I arrived with two suitcases, and left six. Hungarian chocolate hares, and bags, and belts, and all sorts of bracelets girls. To all my friends on the program "Live Sound" - by keychain. Could not stop: spent and cash and everything that was on the card. Thank God, paid for the advantage, I had enough money.

- Your anniversary has already passed, but impressions, probably enough for a long time ...

- I did not do something ambitious. In addition, I love to celebrate with my own, and they are not so much in show business. These are musicians, arrangers, journalists, photographers, vocalists. Nevertheless, in the restaurant that I removed, still gathered about forty person. Moreover, it was so good that no one wanted to disperse. And in a half-morning morning you need to be at the airport. I had to roll out a cake, more precisely five absolutely different cakes that friends made me.

Natalia Gulkin has long dreamed of visiting Hungary. Photo: Personal archive of singers.

Natalia Gulkin has long dreamed of visiting Hungary. Photo: Personal archive of singers.

- What else presented, except for cakes?

"Many of my friends gave me a money in order that I could spend a solo concert in Moscow. Girlfriends presented a gold ring, decorations, perfumes, dear elite creams. And there were pictures and even a brandy of 50-year exposure! And, of course, the sea of ​​flowers. Huge baskets of roses. My poor mother was shocked, since all these flowers moved in her apartment. I bought ten buckets in advance.

"You probably have repeatedly said that you look much younger than your age." How is it happening?

- I do not feel at all 50 years. And this is probably the main secret of my youth. According to the inner sensations, I do not have more than 35. I have a chance to many young ladies. Everyone is surprised by my energy, coming to concerts. After my departure from "Mirage" has already passed three years, but still interest in me, as an artist, does not disappear. I am invited to act in the movies and in the musicals. It turns out, I am an actress of a wide plan that wants to argue the immense. And make it beautiful so that my friends would definitely say: "Natasha, what are you well done!" Here these words are enough for me to always stay young.

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