Again in shape: how to return an attractive body after pregnancy


Ekaterina Kolesnichenko, a former participant of the popular TV project, quite recently became a mother, but he could not return to the previous form independently. The other day, the star shared with fans of a joyful event - the girl passed the procedure of liposuction. In the photo, Catherine is already posing with new forms that a plastic surgeon helped to achieve. The girl is incredibly satisfied with the result and is happy to answer all the questions of Follovers in the comments regarding the procedure itself and rehabilitation.

The loss of attractive forms after childbirth is not a sentence. Most often, it is possible to return the body with elasticity and less radical ways, for example, with a simple diet and simple exercises. We will tell, as less than six months, feel welcome again.

The first months after childbirth

When a woman finally gives birth to a child, she loses at least five kilograms of weight. At this time, the main task is not to return these kilograms back. Going to the gym in the first months after pregnancy is also not worth it, because the body has experienced serious stress. Under time, your assistant should be a diet: give preference to light soups on a vegetable broth, boiled fish and a bird, as well as low-fat dairy products. From sweet, it is desirable to abandon or eat on a little bit.

Third Month

Starting from the third month, you can slowly include physical exercises in your life. Prefer stretching, yoga and pilates, as the least traumatic type of load. In addition, it is not necessary to go to the hall, you can perform suspension without departing from the plate: Practice Mahi legs and squats, which will lead to the tone of weakened muscles. In no case do not give in to the wish to have a snack for the night - at least three hours before sleep, close the refrigerator and limit the light kefir.

Fourth month

If you are used to pregnancy to engage in sports such as yoga, it will be easier for you to return to the form after childbirth. The pillar of yoga is that you can do it almost to the birth, but Asana must be gentle.

During this period, you can attend sessions in the pool, designed specifically for mothers with babies. Of course, you should not wait for swims on long distances, but you can boil your arms and legs without difficulty.

Fifth month

On the fifth and sixth month after childbirth, you can think about cosmetology procedures. If you can't accept the skin who lost the skin, go to the massage, best - on the lymphodnaya. When conducting procedures, choose only professional cosmetologists and dermatologists, as only certified specialists can carry out massages and laser grinding.

Scars and scars are calmly removed by laser vehicles, so it's not worth much because of the stretch marks, but from what it is worth to refuse is from mesotherapy, since this procedure is contraindicated not only during pregnancy, but also during breastfeeding period.

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