Alexey Smirnov and Anastasia Falchikova: "The day, when they kissed, we celebrate solemn than the one when they were painted"


Alexey Smirnov and Anastasia Falchikova have been happy for several years, although the family-run tandem is a rarity. And as individuals they are very similar. Does this create harmony in the family or, on the contrary, carries the dangerous sparks? Details - in an interview with the magazine "Atmosphere".

- Nastya, Lesha, you recently had a wedding anniversary. Mark this date?

Anastasia: Four years from the moment of dating, rather, from the beginning of our novel. The day when we kissed, we celebrate solemn than the one when they were signed. (Laughs.)

- How quickly developed events?

Anastasia: Rapidly. Already on the third day began to live together. For me, this is an unprecedented action, I am very hard for my people.

Alexei: And for me, such a beginning is the only normal one. I think what sense to pull?

Anastasia: We met at the birthday of Petit Todorovsky a year before they began to meet. Lesha argues that I was flirting with him then. I do not seem so categorically. (Laughs.) But we immediately liked each other - this is a fact.

On Anastasia: Cloak, Victoria Andreyanova; Blouse and trousers, all - Marc Cain; sandals, mango; Necklace, La Nature; Earrings, Property Heroine

On Anastasia: Cloak, Victoria Andreyanova; Blouse and trousers, all - Marc Cain; sandals, mango; Necklace, La Nature; Earrings, Property Heroine

Photo: Alena Polosukhina

"Why didn't you, Lesha, have not taken any actions for a whole year?"

Alexei: I was busy at that moment, so he behaved well. And really tried not to fall in love.

Anastasia: We both were in relationships. And when they met for the second time - no longer. Lesha wanted to tell me some story to write a script on it. He still does not believe me, but I stand at the position that I just went to the young talented director to drink vodka, and not on a date. By the way, the story that Lesha told me then turned out to be cool. But I refused to write the script. (Laughs.)

Alexei: And I was driving, of course, with a specific goal. The script was an excellent reason. We chatted well, but I tried all the way not to leave a place for alternative interpretations.

- Nastya, did you have any drinks in front of the family in which you got?

Anastasia: Not. For me, people are always more important than their merit. But Lesha had wonderful parents, we quickly found a common language. This is the case when on the offer: "Let's go on a visit to the parents" - you are happy to agree with pleasure. It is always interesting with them. None of my friends and buddies had a full-fledgedly happy family. Everyone has divorces, leaving. Or parents stay to live together, but this is a nightmare. And Leshes Dad and Mom really love each other. And I was surprised how much happy family affects the psyche of the child. A person with such a stable psyche and with such an amazing instinct of self-preservation, like Lesha, I did not meet. Never. All psychological problems he decides at once: I went, I sat in the bathroom, I thought, said: "Everything, I don't like it, there will be no more." And indeed, there is no more that. For me, which years suffered from panic attacks, insomnia and a lot of time spent with different psychologists, it's amazing. I am always trying to explain the Leshe that he is an exception and all normal people study psychological problems takes years.

Alexei: I really grew up in a very good family, I didn't have any psychological injuries in my childhood, which is why I think it is very difficult for me to knock out. I can yell, run, jump, but it's all my comfort zone, and I will never cheat yourself. I will spend twenty minutes to any problem and come into shape and, which amazes everyone, fall asleep in a minute in any circumstances. I know that you can agree with the body and avoid psychosomatics, I do not have anything from my generation: neither panic attacks nor depressions. In fact, this is the question of the distribution of domestic forces. I call it a mental hygiene, like with cleaning teeth.

On Alexey: United Colors of Benetton Jacket; shirt, m fashion; Pants, PT Torino (M Fashion); belt, dirk bikkembergs (Live PR); Sneakers, DIEMME (M Fashion)

On Alexey: United Colors of Benetton Jacket; shirt, m fashion; Pants, PT Torino (M Fashion); belt, dirk bikkembergs (Live PR); Sneakers, DIEMME (M Fashion)

Photo: Alena Polosukhina

- Nastya, Lesha is absolutely the person with whom you met?

Anastasia: Well, I can not say that I met one person, and then I realized that I live with another. Just people are revealed over time. But you see the human database. I know that in me there are features that are very annoyed by other men, and Lesha does not notice them at all. I have the same in relation to it.

Alexei: Since we both passionate people, with an open temperament, may seem from the side that we have a storm, and in fact everything is fine. Here is one of the reasons why we are together. Adventures are sufficient outside, and the house is a place where, closing the door, you must feel good. Comfort and feeling of protection are built by people, and we both invested a lot in it. It seems to me that every year our family is becoming stronger and stronger, and we are even more interesting to each other.

- Are you energetic and loud not only at home?

Alexei: It happens! And I saw that people periodically shuddered when we argue publicly (laughs), because it is always loud, both with your hands, and it looks like that we will now carry. This, probably, from my family went, because we could always be terribly scandaling, discussing something. Recently, they were terribly argued with Nastya up to three nights about what was still the series "Psycho". And when we, like all couples, there are some crises and difficult moments, then we, on the contrary, very calm and quiet.

Cardigan, PAL ZILERI (Live PR); Trousers, Trussardi

Cardigan, PAL ZILERI (Live PR); Trousers, Trussardi.

Photo: Alena Polosukhina

- And if Nastya says that the film is terrible, and you - what is the masterpiece?

Alexei: If this is a masterpiece or, on the contrary, disgusting, always coincide. There is, though one funny story. Falchikova from Vgika does not really love Fellini, but she never revised him later. And I say to her: "Nastya, Sit adult and see. And we repeat it in the eye. " She does not make it specifically, because he understands that as soon as the same "night of the Cabiria" revises the same "nights." (Laughs.)

Anastasia: I do not watch I just because your hands do not reach. And Smirnov is simply sure that always right. (Laughs.) Fellini, of course, an outstanding director, but the husband convinces me that he should be my beloved.

Alexei: In principle, we have practically no things in life in which we would diverge. Maybe only the relationship in the family is visible a little different, each for its part.

- Because you are a boy and a girl?

Alexei: I think mostly because families and biographies are different with us. I watch my parents all my life, I see that there is no personal space between her husband and wife. I do not really understand how it may be, and Nastya periodically fights with me for him. Although, maybe she only advocates for this, and in fact she is even very comfortable and comfortable. (Smiles.)

Anastasia: Oh, this is Leshina Favorite version: "In fact, you like so much" or "In fact, you think like me." (Laughs.) This is already our family meme. Although, justice for the sake of, he notices some things in me in which I stubbornly admit. But specifically here - no, I believe that a person should have a personal space. And it seems I managed a little bit to teach a husband with an understanding of personal borders.

Jacket, sisley; shorts, marc cain; sandals, mango; necklace and bracelet, all - La Nature; Earrings and Ring, Property Heroine

Jacket, sisley; shorts, marc cain; sandals, mango; necklace and bracelet, all - La Nature; Earrings and Ring, Property Heroine

Photo: Alena Polosukhina

- And what is this express: do not ask something, give the opportunity to be one, let go somewhere?

Anastasia: No, do not ask - it is unrealistic. But just give the opportunity to a person to be alone, do not think that his sad mood is necessarily a tragedy that urgently needs to be destroyed. I here need once a year at least for a few days to be with myself, alone. Lesha, on the one hand, understands it, and on the other, it is very nervous, it is extremely hard to carry the separation.

- Do you have only disputes or quarrels too?

Anastasia: If it does not concern something serious - we swear like an Italian family. And on creative topics, and in everyday, and in the same place. We are just both emotional. (Laughs.) But Lesha has this whole family. When we met, his sister Dunya said: "Well, Falchikov as if in our family was born." But it is better to let people scream than they do not talk for weeks. With my mother, with all the fact that she is a wonderful woman, it was unbearable, she could ignore me for days. So expressively silent, which would be better killed immediately. But if we have some serious problems with Leshey - here we both suddenly turn into very devoted and reasonable people, just sit down and talk quietly.

- That is, it is easy with such a rapid temperament to exist together?

Alexei: I had the experience of relationships with other warehouses - and this is just hard. It seems to me that the main thing in the relationship is the coincidence of temperaments, because you should be able to withstand each other.

- Did you immediately become clear that Nastya had the same temperament?

Alexei: Sure. I immediately saw it. The first thing I was interested in all my life is women, and only then - a movie. (Laughs.)

Blouse, Genny (Live PR); Pepen dress; Earrings and Ring, All - La Nature

Blouse, Genny (Live PR); Pepen dress; Earrings and Ring, All - La Nature

Photo: Alena Polosukhina

- You had the story of the director and the screenwriter - a comfortable tandem, and everything broke out completely into another song ...

Alexei: I believe that the director can not be a husband, only a wife. (Smiles.) Therefore, in the filming period, Nastya was "wife," I got up in the morning first, I prepared me, cleaned the apartment. I was afraid that the day would come when I would dream that I crawled arrows on tights.

Anastasia: Lesha is the perfect "wife" director. (Laughs.) I got up for shooting at five in the morning, and I had a hot breakfast on the table. Now Lesha on the verge of filming - and I'm trying to fit. Lesha was very worried when I removed Masha. He looked at my first mounting assembly (and this is always full of sucks) and insanely upset, although I did not say anything. Then I already found out that he rehearsed the speech - how to say that I don't need to do the directory. And seeing the second assembly, I realized that everything, there is a movie - and got drunk on joy.

Alexei: Yes, I thought how to confess her, went to a psychologist, rehearsed my text, and after a month and a half she brought the second installation, just brilliant. That day I got drunk as never drove. And I realized that for my loved ones I worry more than for myself.

Raincoat, woolrich; sweatshirt, United Colors of Benetton; Shirt, Eton (M Fashion)

Raincoat, woolrich; sweatshirt, United Colors of Benetton; Shirt, Eton (M Fashion)

Photo: Alena Polosukhina

- Did you go to a psychologist because of the floor mounting?!

Alexei: No, I started walking before. But we discussed with him, rehearsed that I would tell her.

- Why did you need a psychologist? You have a very healthy psyche, you yourself solved all your problems ...

Alexei: I sat for a very long time without work and at some point began to feel that we lose adequacy. So I needed a professional person with whom I would twist the picture of the world. I am glad that I turned to a specialist almost immediately, and did not save everything in myself and wait for self-destruction. Because actually I am from those men who grew up with the thought: "What is a psychologist?! I'm ten times smarter. " And when it did in this, I realized that psychology was not about the mind at all, but about the opportunity to build something in my life and see yourself as you can not because of subjective relationship.

- Lesha, whether you had a professional jealousy for these two years - my beloved wife takes off, and you are not, and not busy even as an actor, especially after the success of your series "Garden Ring" and a great role in the "Stories of one destination" ?

Alexei: Well, I did not quite sit without work, I prepared the pilot of one series, something else, but everything did not develop. Now I have, thank God, launching a full meter. And with jealousy, everything is very simple. Since the main concern of any man really is that his woman is happy, then, of course, her victories and successes are a bit and your progress. Everyone sees it only at the moments of power, and I am always there, support and weaknesses. None of the father's paintings taken after the collapse of the USSR would not be without mom. When someone in the family makes a movie, then everyone lives - it is arranged.

Anastasia: When Lesha told me how hard the director in the period between the films, I did not fully understand it. But only six months passed, as I finished "Masha" (the film only came out on April 1), and I already breaks me. Thank God, La Launch. I watch his samples - and I easily. So I was lucky to live with the director. Someone next to you make a movie - and you have a little smoked at this breakdown, better than nothing. (Laughs.) In general, when the director begins to shoot a movie, there is nothing else for him. He is removed. Yes, he still loves loved ones, but in his eyes he has only a movie. Probably for the uninitiated live with the director - a grave story.

In Nastya: Dress, Pepen; sandals, mango; Earrings and Ring, La Nature

In Nastya: Dress, Pepen; sandals, mango; Earrings and Ring, La Nature

Photo: Alena Polosukhina

- Nastya, you with the sign of equality say that you love the house and your plush monkey. It's irony?

Anastasia: She is not plush, and there is no irony. Monkey named Monia - a member of our family, my best friend. (Laughs.) We have fun with Lesha in communicating with it. She can be upset and rub his side, but most often dances and having fun. We also have a member of the family - Zayats Lelik, who appeared at Leshi in three or four years. There is Oslik Yura - Writer, named after Yuri Arabov. There is a lev leva - a magician. We take animals with you on trips. Somehow we went to yachting to Norway. Get to Marina from Oslo with a bunch of transplants and at some point realized that the bag was lost in which Lelik was. The husband was in full horror. Since childhood, this hare was his best friend, a psychologist and a priest in one person. And then disappeared. We have become feverishly ringing the station behind the station. It turned out that we forgot the hare in the hotel. Lelik stoke all our yachting there, then we took it. And the fact is that Lyutu Lyuto hates any discomfort. Hiking, sailing yachts with close cabins is not it. He went to Norway only because of me. So, we immediately born a family legend that Lelik turned out to be naked and Sishrei Leshi, specially hid and served in a comfortable warm room, while my husband suffered in Marina with a shared shower.

On Alexey: Cardigan, Pal Zileri (Live PR); Trouses, Trussardi; Kopy, Diemme (M Fashion)

On Alexey: Cardigan, Pal Zileri (Live PR); Trouses, Trussardi; Kopy, Diemme (M Fashion)

Photo: Alena Polosukhina

- Nastya, Lesha always calls you light and cheerful ...

Anastasia: I'm definitely very fun. But no man in the world except my husband does not say that I am light. (Laughs.) And I am the only one who considers it the same. And everyone surrounding tells how it is hard with Lesha. Maybe the fact is that my husband and I are in principle we love demanding people who have their own opinion. For us, this is not difficulty, but dignity. Lesha can fill all around his energy around that the surrounding simply do not cope. And we are able to resist each other.

Alexei: I always believed about myself that I was much, and this feature with a minus sign, but I realized that I could not do anything with me, I was so arranged. Nastya, probably, is also very much, but there is one huge plus in it. Living with Nastya, it is impossible to think about anything else, because she just fills themselves everything! (Smiles.)

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