Psychologist Assumption about his daughter Thane: "If she wants to marry, I will help her in this"


For several months now, the country oversees the difficult relationship between the love of the Assumption and her daughter. Recently, Tatiana returned to Mom to Moscow. According to the singer, they are already trembling something ambitious. Of course, after such an unexpectedly fast reunion, many had the question of how to establish a conflict, which seemed to never end. It turned out that it was not without the help of a specialist. Talked with a quantum psychologist Inna Tlyiashinova, who said that now happens to Uspenskaya and what the grain was the problem of the relationship between mother and daughter. According to Inna, she used a non-standard technique in working with a complex stars.

"A quantum psychologist is engaged in the fact that it can form a reality needed for a person," Inna told. - For example, if the depression in humans, then this lack of certain hormones. And what can be done? Replace, give a tablet. A quantum psychologist can smooth the subconsciousness so that hormones are naturally produced. And this is not what we must believe in something, we write a desire on the leaves. This is not about it. The brain works as a universal machine. For example, if historically grandfather with a grandmother could not have a lot of money, we will do a lot of attempts, but do not come to success. And we often do not understand why we do not get what we want.

We can say that you did you help to reunite anyone and her daughter?

- It was a joint job, because when a person himself does not want, it is impossible to do. So it is always such a team work. We are now developing a relationship strategy in order to continue to work. For me, for me, for me, four children, it's not just a question to return the child, but also to adapt it and so on.

What was the core of the problem of relationship between the singer and her daughter?

- I think there is not a single daughter who has no conflict with her mother. And we often do not understand why our parents who love us very much, hurt us. The fact is that there are so-called generic destructive dynamics, when these resentments are transmitted from generation to generation as a snowball. And my mother can not stop. If we can work with the past, you can always allow this conflict. It's just a conflict - it is always internally tension. That is, I'm looking for, who would serve me in this matter. For example, I do not have a very good mood, some kind of tension, and is the one who necessarily causals the conflict. Conversely: When my heart is burning, the situation always develops well. Our task is to just work out: why do you have this tension? And what's wrong with you? Some root cause. Do not just listen, but find the root problem from childhood. If we consider the problem of Love Zalmanovna, she has a difficult situation. In essence, she was deprived of such close contact with her mother because of historical events. And so this happens that if we do not feel the love of our parents, we are looking for this love from the outside and get pain. It's true.

And now Lyubov Uspenskaya is a happy person?

- Look at her instagram three months ago and now, and you will see a cardinal difference.

- But something is not enough for her for complete happiness?

"I can't say that she is missing something, she is enough." She has such a period in life cool, calm, when you can enjoy yourself, creativity, my daughter is near. Tanya here, what we are very pleased. What else can be desired?

Tatyana Plaksina

Tatyana Plaksina

- How do you work with the artist?

"When I went to her for the first time, I was so scary, my knees were shaking." In this state, it is impossible to make analysis. But literally in five minutes she placed to himself - so friendly! And for the first time we worked seven hours. And the second time the same, until late at night. It was hard, but the first result happened 10 minutes after parsing. And then everyone thought that this coincidence. But the fact is that it is not just a coincidence: any life situation forms energy in person, which is produced in the quantum field. We are all of the atoms. And all that less is subatomic particles, they behave differently than the outside world, the laws there are others. And they work in their own way.

- Of course, many are interested in the question, is it necessary to get married Thane when it happens?

- depending on what purpose. There are many people who are unhappy in marriage. After all, the need is the need, spiritual unity. If she wants to marry, I will easily help her in this. That is, if she says that he wants to marry - these are two or three parsing, and she will be married.

- Many may seem that you need a man who will solve Tanya's problems ...

- You know when a woman goes to a relationship with a message: I want to marry the husband to solve my problems, problems will arise there. That is, you still need to get married when people are fine.

- But still it is believed that there should be a strong man next to the girl ...

- This is deep delusion. Many women are now bred, parted with her husband. Why? Because they are looking for something in it. No need to search anything in any, listen to your heart, your soul and try to make them won. Because often our brain wins. You need to be able to reformat. I have an idea somewhere inside, so as not to just return Tanya, I have a certain vision that you can still do for her, help and make your small contribution. Because I myself had a diagnosis of infertility. And, of course, when you see a young girl like Tanya, which you need to get married, give birth to children, I want to help. We still have only plans to make a parsing with Tanya. Men of the Russian Federation, hold on: and we go to you!

Lyubov Uspenskaya herself admitted that it was extremely glad that her daughter returned: "I am the happiest mom in the world from the fact that my daughter is with me. I am happy that it happened that I can live, enjoy, rejoice, work ... Give it a little time: an aesthetically I will correct it, the hair will grow, and you will see my Tanya Queen ... She is now in the process. " Details - on video.

Lyubov Uspenskaya is preparing the daughter of Tanya to the operation to change appearance

Ulyana Kalashnikova

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