Stories of the success of stars who all achieved themselves


There were those times when the financial consistency of the woman was exclusively merit of her man. Today, the ladies become rich and famous and independently, without resorting to help satellite life. Actively build a career, business, develop creativity and earn millions. Let's see what the components of this success.

Olga Buzova

Olga Buzova

Olga Buzova


You can relate differently to Olga Buzova, but she also hit the list of richest Russian stars. At the end of the year, the TV presenter has increased by 3.9 million dollars. Moreover, the Buzova constantly expands the horizons: the singer, the writer (her peru belongs to two books - "The case in the hairpin. Tips of a stylish blonde" and "Roman with Buzova"), the owner of the network of clothing stores and jewelry, and now also opened its own restaurant. Colleagues Buzova argue that everything that she touches, becomes gold. Moreover, the criticism of the abilities and talent of Olga sounds from them. Perhaps she just envy? As the TV presenter says, "I never built a superstar, just lived, put the goals and sought them." And it became an example - at Buzova 14.8 million subscribers in Instagram.

Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Winfrey


One of the most popular American TV presenters. Today, its condition is estimated at $ 3.2 billion, she has its own TV channel, radio station and magazine. Oprah's show existed twenty-five years and enjoyed unprecedented success. Celibriti did not hesitate to share their secrets and secrets on the air. As for the OPRA itself, her way to the top of the television Olymp can be designated as follows: through thorns - in the stars. In Backgrowda: difficult childhood with an evil grandmother, banging it for the slightest guide, rape, pregnancy in thirteen years, attempted suicide and many other "funny" moments. But maybe the secret of her success in the ability to overcome any difficulties? And, of course, mind, sensitivity, charisma and the ability to listen to others. Oprah is not a star, but a whole galaxy!

Katy Perry

Katy Perry

Katy Perry


The richest singer was at the end of the year became Katy Perry. Earned eighty-three million dollars, she bypassed such colleagues at the workshop, like Beyonce and Taylor Swift. Big money brought a girl a tour of the Witness tour - as the press writes, the star earned a million in one evening. In addition, Katie became the mentoring of the popular television show American Idol. Katie believes that the secret of success is a thrust everyday work, multiplied by talent. Maybe, because of her songs regularly become hits, and the army of fans grow the day from day?

Gisele Bundchen

Gisele Bundchen

Gisele Bundchen


Giselle consider one of the richest supermodels in the world. She even entered the Guinness Book of Records. Its condition is about three hundred fifty million dollars. A girl from a poor Brazilian family began model career at fourteen years. Nothing foreshadowed such a stunning success. High, awkward, thin Giselle dreamed only to earn on a summer vacation. From this contract with the Model Agency Elite Modeling all began. Today, thanks to contracts with Esprit, Versace, Pantene, as well as their own Ipanema shoe line, the supermodel significantly exceeded the income of his colleagues. High blue-eyed blonde with long legs and golden curls - the embodiment of the so-called natural beauty, so popular in our time.

Katie Ayrend

Katie Ayrend

Katie Ayrend


History, when, making a name in any creative sphere or sport, the girl becomes an active participant in advertising campaigns, not Nova. So, Katie Ayrend's supermodel built a real licensing empire, providing his name more than seventeen thousand products - from plastic windows to furniture to luxury dresses. Sometime, Katie itself was opened by the popular ELITE model agency. At that time she was only sixteen years old. But, as it turned out, a fragile girl possessed also an near-free business grip. In parallel with the model career also led business projects. For example, in 1993, Katie released her line of hosiery products. Unlike most of their colleagues in the workshop, Ayrend was not seen in loud scandals and has a unwitting reputation. She is trusted, respect and love. Today, women of all over the world are readily buying products from Katie. Of course, supermodel does not participate in the development of each of his things, but and someone did not trust his kind name. Her licensing empire expands every year, and the state is estimated at three hundred fifty million dollars.

Sarah Blakeley

Sarah Blakeley

Sarah Blakeley


The girl from Atlanta has always differed by purposefulness. About such people say: Close the door, climbs into the window. No wonder she was one of the best managers for the sale of faxes. On that day, when Sarah came up with damaging tights without seams, she hardly assumed that he would become a billionaire. She refused dozens of factories of North Carolina, where she tried to release an experienced sample. When Sarah tried to patent patent for the invention, lawyers raised it on laughter. Nevertheless, the starting entrepreneur invested all its savings - five thousand dollars - in production, founding Spanx with an office in his own apartment. How popular invention turned out to show the fact that in 2012 Blakeley entered the list of Forbes as the youngest woman who had earned their condition.

Jessica Alba

Jessica Alba

Jessica Alba


It is more familiar to see on the pages of glossy women's editions than in Forbes. However, it was she who became the heroine of one of the covers. Hollywood actress also turned out to be a successful businesswoman. Seven years ago, Alba, Mom of two children, founded the company for the production of environmentally friendly goods, cosmetics and hygiene products for newborns. The promoted name of the girl also played a role - only in the first year earnings amounted to about ten million dollars. Children's diapers were particularly popular. Now Honest Company releases hundred and twenty products, including hypoallergenic powders and detergents. And the condition of the alba is estimated at three hundred forty million dollars.

Polina Gagarin

Polina Gagarin

Polina Gagarin


At the end of the past year, Polina Gagarin became the richest woman among the stars of the Russian show business. Hardworking singer earned 4.1 million dollars in 2018. Her history began with the times of the "stars factory", where she became the winner, popularity has grown many times after the participation of the singer in Eurovision in 2015, where Polina Gaga Rina ranked second. Today, according to different estimates, one concert brings a star million of two hundred thousand rubles. She also becomes a party to various TV shows, such as "voice", "two stars", "exactly in-point." The star even complains that due to the dense schedule it is impossible to spend a lot of time with the family. But to make money on advertising the singer does not really like, despite the fact that it is very popular in instagram.

Maria Sharapova

Maria Sharapova

Maria Sharapova


She became famous for success not only on the tennis court. Maria Sharapova's earnings make up about thirty million dollars a year, and it regularly enters the lists of richest athletes. However, the main income of Maria receives not at all from the game. The ex-first racket of the world today takes only forty-seventh line in the Rating of the Women's Tennis Association (WTA). However, charisma and the beauty of Mary regularly attract a huge number of advertising contracts to it, including not only from sports brands. There are Sharapova and its business: a company producing sweets. The love of chewing marmalands at the tennis player began since childhood, when she first saw the Gammy Bear in the United States.

Scarlett Johansson

It was she headed by the list of the most cash actresses of 2018, bypassing their eternal competitors Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Aniston. Forbes estimates, the income of the actresses over the past year amounted to forty and a half million dollars. Most of the fees brought Scarlett fantastic saga "Avengers: war of infinity," where the actress played the role of superheroid Natasha Romanooff. Next year it is planned to continue, so that the girl will not remain without money. Career Scarlett began to develop from the beginning of the two thousand years, when the actress was seen in the films "Mir of Ghosts" Terry Zwigoff and "the person who was not" the Kenov brothers. Already then, colleagues noted not only by its hardworking, but also a plump character. Then the sexy appearance of the blonde actively used Woody Allen, she was even called his muse. Well, now for the right to remove Miss Johansson in his film, the most famous directions are fighting.

Sofia AMOruzo.

Sofia AMOruzo.

Sofia AMOruzo


A 22-year-old Sofia AMOrosrucio began his way into the world of business, without having any money nor connections. Moreover, the girl led an asocial lifestyle: vagranting, did not have a permanent job, she lived, where he would have and sometimes rested. The first product sold through the Internet was a stolen book. But the beginning of the business was put. First, Nasty Gal was created for young fashionic, it was sold vintage things. Now the site competes with the largest online stores. The state of the owner is estimated at three hundred million dollars. "You are a fighter: you know when to strike, and when to endure them. Sometimes you violate the rules, sometimes you follow them, but the conditions are always yours. You know where you are moving, but you like to have fun on the road, "Sofia advises the readers of his autobiographical book #girlboss.

Svetlana Hodchenkova

Svetlana Hodchenkova

Svetlana Hodchenkova


If earlier the Russian actors complained that the profession is their dependent and low-paying, then it seems, now the situation changes significantly for the better. Of course, while the income of stars of domestic cinema is not compared with the fees of their overseas colleagues, but nevertheless we have their own leaders. So, Svetlana Khodchenkova became one of the most sought-after and highly paid Russian actresses. Today, in the account of Svetlana, more than eighty roles in the series and full-length films of different genres. In addition, she managed to light up in Hollywood projects "Spy, come out" and "Wolverine: Immortal." As the media writes, Svetlana fee for shooting day is four thousand dollars, and she is removed a lot. Therefore, it is not surprising that the condition of the actresses is growing and at the end of 2018 reached a million dollars.

Tatyana Bakalchuk

Just who became Mom, Tatyana Bakalchuk understood how long a woman's shopping campaigns are torn. It is now trading over the Internet is very common, and at the beginning of the two thousandths in Russia only the first sites appeared. At that time, German catalogs of clothing used themselves at the female population. And here Tatiana came to mind a brilliant idea to look for customers through their portal. A simple site was created, and the first orders were submitted by the lady and took it from the post office itself. As the spouses of Bakalchuk remember, at that time their apartment reminded the warehouse. And they could not imagine how successful their project will be in the future. Wildberries now has a multi-billion dollar revenue and the same number of buyers - despite the presence of serious competitors. And in the family during this time two more children were born.

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