Former chosen one Olga Buzova married


Denis Lebedev, Denis, was famous for participating in the TV project "Marry Buzov" with a singer and TV presenter Olga Buzova. Then the man conquered the heart of the celebrity and could win the show. However, after the project, the star accused Lebedev in deception. The cheeseman tried to return the actress several times, but his attempts were not crowned with success.

Denis Lebedev and Ekaterina Panova

Denis Lebedev and Ekaterina Panova

Now Denis has found his happiness - a few months ago he made a proposal of his hand and the hearts of his new beloved Catherine Panova. And now the man reported that they played a wedding. The joyful event was shared with his subscribers on the personal page in Instagram.

Cheesemaster played wedding

Cheesemaster played wedding

Lebedev published a video on which they with a beloved show their wedding rings. "A woman walks from the promiscuity, and a man from sadness! This does not apply to us, we are happy by themselves and infinitely together "(the spelling and punctuation of the author are preserved, - approx.)," The man said.

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