Clairvoyant prophesies to the wedding of Arzamasova and Averbukhu


The choreographer Ilya Averbukh confirmed rumors about his novel with the star of the "Papine daughter" series Elizabeth Arzamasova. A couple of for a long time did not advertise its relationship, but recently got into the lenses of the chambers of the chairs. Lovers did not deny the relationship, but they did not want to tell about them in detail.

"We really meet with Liza and build our relationship ... What else can I say here?" - Such a comment gave Averbukh "Moscow Komsomoltsu".

At the same time, a 46-year-old athlete older than his beloved for 21 years, so the network immediately appeared the assumptions that this novel would be short-term. Whether this decided to learn from the clairvoyant Galina Yanko.

Galina Yanko

Galina Yanko

"I can say that to be a novel. And he will be long, and most likely the pair will register an official marriage. Lisa - the girl is incredibly brought up and smart. She never wanted to marry a man who would be younger than her. She is not interested and with their peers. She always wanted care and attention from man older than himself. This program was in her head, and she met a man whom she wanted. He did not put certain goals, it just happened, and everything itself was to say, it can be said in puzzle, "said Janko.


Lisa Arzamasov
Lisa Arzamasov

"In their pair there are affection, respect, mutual understanding," says clairvoyant. - There are moments of adoption of joint decisions, and there are flexibility from Arzamasovoy. There is still one important point: these people have the same happy day - Thursday. It is very good, since all your affairs and important events they can plan on this day. As for financial well-being, there will be no problems in their family in their family. "

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