"I love Pasha": Garcia Moreno responded to accusations Mamaeva in escort


Football player's wife Pavel Mamaeva, Alan Mamaeva, caught his husband in treason in Spain, where the fees of the Rostov football club were charged. The athlete's wife published on his personal page in Instagram personal data of Spaniard Irene Garcia Moreno, who later stated that he did not know that Paul was married. As a result, Alan decided to apply for a divorce.

Now Mamaeva stated that Irene is lying that the model and a lawyer works. The football player's wife told that her friend was spanter on the site of Eskhodtnik, where she offers its services for 600 euros. Also, Alan posted a correspondence in which Garcia Moreno denotes its price of 2500 euros. According to Mamaeva, it is so much her husband paid for the night with Spaniard.

"Can I no longer write about the lawyer's model? Prostitution is out of law, so let him silence and will not disgrace his country, "said Alan. She also demonstrated a document that proves that Inen never worked as a lawyer. However, the authenticity of the document is difficult to determine.

Spaniard threatens Mamaeva

Spaniard threatens Mamaeva


Moreover, the athlete's wife complained that Garcia Moreno threatens her. The girl under the photo Mamaeva driving a car wrote: "The car drives his wife, I want it to die."

However, Irene did not be silent and decided to answer the accusations of Alana. "Why Alan so does with me. I can understand what she feels, but she should only join her husband, and not on me. I did not interfere in their marriage. It her husband entered my life, did not tell me that he was married, "Spanish Starhit said. Also, Garcia Moreno added that it would not harm Mamaeva, how she does it. "In any case, my story is a love story that she wants to destroy ... I love Pasha, and our future depends on us. I am true in my principles to your beloved person, "the Spanish concluded.

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