Poplavskaya first showed the grandson's face


Yana Poplavskaya shared joy: the family baptized the firstborn of the eldest son actress Klima. The boy was given an unusual name of Ilaria. The christening took place in the bannoy monastery.

Now, already proud grandmother calmly opened her grandson's face, although he hid him before baptism. Previously, the 53-year-old grandmother was shared for the first time with: "It seems to me that he is absolutely our: he has chin with a smell, corporate". The actress admitted that she was only getting used to a new status: "Yes, I myself still did not understand anything! (Smiles.) Here when you give birth to a child - do not understand that you are a mother. Watching a child: what a miracle! "

The subscribers sincerely congratulated the young grandmother with a bright event and wished the child of all the best: "Happiness and joy! God's blessing and harmony in the soul! Let it grow the happiest and successful boy! " But there were those who could not resist comments about the unusual name of the boy: "This, of course, is not our business, as the child called, but I think that a friend is shifted before each other. What is here Ilaria. At one Leo, in another Ilaria (Son Valery Sutkin called Leo - approx.) " The most restrained discussion participants simply drew the attention of Yana Poplavskaya that the church name of the child was better not to inform the wide audience.

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