Try to catch up: Celabritis, who run even in the rain


Let's honestly: Running is not the most pleasant sport. Fatigue, shortness of breath, mad heartbeat - just flowers! But there is something romantic in running: to meet sunrises and sunsets, breathe freshness after the rain ... By the way about him, some bad weather runs do not prevent the track or go to the park and cut circles in the stadium. Even among the stars there are lovers of year-round run - we will tell about them in this material:

Natalya Vodyanova

It is not surprising that you need to start the rating with supermodel, which on the race built a charity foundation and conducts marathons annually on the whole Moscow. Together with Natalia at its events runs the entire show-business: from Ksenia Sobchak to Zemfira.

Dmitry Nagiyev

"Morning was issued today, you can run. Slowly, not far, not long, "Dmitry writes in his instagram with humor. The star is not the first to get up on the soft coating of the running track, because it is engaged in this sport for many years. No wonder the stars all year round is a root body!

Daria Deliannova

Recently, a 48-year-old actress married a second time. In one of the television programs, her mother and her daughter noted that thanks to the new husband, Andrei Star began to take care of his appearance: "By Dasha, I realized that Andrei is her man. She became another man, she looked. Highly! She runs four kilometers every day, she got on the mountain skiing. And this is thanks to Andrei. "

Anna Sedokova

"I try to run every day," says Anna in his instagram. According to the figure of the singer, it's noticeable that it cannot deceive. Taking into account that the star lived in Los Angeles for several years - the American city on the ocean, where it is considered to look at 10 out of 10, it is possible that she is used to sports. In any case, keep it up!

Christmas tree

"I don't wear crossings at night and run. Speaking to Gorky Park, when in the blow, "the tree is divided from the Village. "Good - this is when I'm a dozen, rushing. I run very slowly, you can even sing in my pace. " The artist has repeatedly said that he likes to spend time alone with him, and what's wrong with the best meditation?

Galina Yudashkin

Valentina Yudashkin's daughter lives in China with her husband and children. Picturesque landscapes inspired a woman on regular sports. "Thanks Hong Kong for what you can do on the street every day, not counting the rainy seasons, but this is just a couple of weeks," says Starhit. "In the morning I love to run: either this is a common run, or a trailer in the mountains of 7-10 km. Or I am engaged in Hayeking (walking) for 10-15 km. It is in China that I discovered this sport for myself. "

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