Lyubov Uspenskaya: "I am not up to love now"


Lyubov Uspenskaya is an infrequent guest of secular events. However, recently the artist still managed to see the presentation of a joint clip with the Lyudmila Clip on the song "Beach". Pushed after the next plastic star talked with journalists. As a result, Womanhit.u managed to find out how things are on the personal front at the singer and what happens in her relationship with his daughter.

- Love, you again strike us with your harmony. Don't you eat anything at all, or what?

- On the contrary! If not, the metabolism is less working. I eat, but only the right food. Although sometimes there is no time, because shooting until night.

- Well, how do you manage to keep a positive mood: you charge us with energy on all parties ...

- The secret is not. I think people who have a feeling of envy suffer. And I always enjoy the success of others, I always support talented people: a bunch of people sings me a talenter. Luda Sokolova, with which we recorded a song, for example, a stunning singer - I was not afraid to put it with myself, realizing that this feeling of love for good talented people helps me to be young, do not envy, rejoice. And, probably, nevertheless, the genes work: my grandmother had a young one.

- With the onset of spring, many wondered about personal life. How are you doing on the Love Front?

"I'm not up to love now: I need to deal with songs, clips." Still, the work went. Therefore, the first thing planes, but the boys are later.

- How did the quarantine survive? Coronavirus did not hurt?

- I did not hurt, and I do not wish you. The family also did not hurt, we were lucky. About vaccination has not yet decided. I do not know ... And the quarantine itself passed gorgeous. I had so much free, I could do so much useful things!

- Many artists say that they have some traditions before reaching the stage, so that everything works well ...

- There is no no. I just always say: "God, give me a voice today, give me a voice." And when I'm insecure I go out on the stage, I suddenly dissolve and understand that I am in another world. I forget about fear. And most importantly, I understand that there is only a desire to sing and confidence. Of course, I make different breathing exercises before going out. For example, pranayama.

- You are today with such a chic ring on your finger. Is this someone's gift?

- No, such a gift has not yet given a single man! This is what I could afford to buy myself. A man in my life has not lived and not Doros before this level. But I myself can make such gifts.

- When will the one that can still be presented in your life?

- I'm not waiting. If it happens, it will happen, but I have never had such a desire.

- What are your plans for life?

- I am preparing a new song, it is so necessary now. I sang it back in the 91st, living in America. She wrote the authors of the "Cabripe". When I lived in America, I nostalgiced in Russia, I lived there for 16 years, but I still didn't become an American yet, I didn't think in American, I did not sing in English. I then, of course, did not think that I would come back to Russia. I did not think that it would happen, did not believe. And now Russia has such a position: we want to somehow close, to blame for something. And I want this song to give the strength of Russia, the people. I believe that Russia will become the great power that was until the 18th year. And no one can harm us.

- Remember how they returned to Moscow?

"Yes, I returned here in the 94th year, on the birthday of Lenin - April 22. He came to the Red Square, went to the mausoleum and realized that before I dreamed of getting, but could not: the queues were. I thought: "Lord, I stand in a department store, I have a number on the purchase of an ondatal cap, and there is a million people outside the window: just not behind the hat, but for Lenin." And I thought: or I will lose a hat, or I will go to the mausoleum. Chose a hat. And then I still saw Lenin after all.

- Love, you do not hide what plastic operations did, will you surprise something in the near future?

- I do not know. I have not yet found a flaw. Here as soon as I see: something is wrong, I will do everything quickly. Previously, my daughter was against plastics or if you need to grind and make the chest. She said: "My God, people do not understand that the nature gave them!" And now she says: "If there is an opportunity - it is necessary to improve. If you want chubby sponges - do, if you like the eye cut by the other - do it. " And she proved that it really thinks so. She showed me photos of Angelina Jolie before and after operations. And I realized that we were all imperfect. And today does not make one who has no opportunity. And who has it, there is no fear, why not?

- And Tanya will change something in appearance?

"I can't confess now, I want to make such a bomb for everyone in one day, blow up. And you will see what my daughter is without any operations. I can not make it up, but I think it will happen in a few months.

Lyubov Uspenska told about his personal life

Ulyana Kalashnikova

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