Polina Gagarin went to the fiance


The famous performer of Polina Gagarin broke up with the boyfriend - the drummer of the group Ther Maitz Boris Ionov. In an interview with the magazine "OK!" The singer stated that at the moment is free from any feelings and obligations.

Gagarin and Ionov first appeared together in the public in May 2012, and in September of the same year spoke about the coming wedding. Lovers really "got married", but only on the Internet: on their page in the social network Polina wrote that he married Boris, and Boris did the same in his page.

Meanwhile, the case did not reach the stamp in the passport - the couple broke up. Now Gagarina is concentrated in his career and the upbringing of the Son. According to the artist, now she is not ready for new relationship.

Recall that the actor Petra Acosi Polina married for another 20 years, while still a student of the first course of the MCAT Studio. After a few months, the future star gave birth to the son of Andrei. In 2007, the spouses divorced, but were able to preserved excellent relations: Gagarin and Kislov are called up, meet, together spend time with the son.

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