Richard Madden: "People think that the actors are weaklings, but we are strong guys"


In March, the TV series "Klondike" came out on the TV channel Discovery Channel. Shot on Bestseller Charlotte Gray, he is dedicated to one of the most famous gold fever in history. In the center of the plot - the history of the six gold kits met in the valley of the Yukon River. They have to survive in the harsh northern edges, where only desperate adventurers are sent. Main roles played celebrities such as Richard Madden, Sam Shepard, Tim Roth and Abby Kornish. Womanhit talked with actors.

Richard Madden (Character - Bill Haskell): "My focus in the film became my second in nature"

- Richard, you starred in the "Game of Thrones", lived in his magic world. What made you agree to such a role as Bill Haskell?

- In some sense, this role has become a logical continuation of what I did in the "Game of Thrones". There was everything in large: both life, and death in full. And in "Klondike" was a choice of two simple alternatives - life or death. If not found gold - I could not buy food, which means he died with hunger or frozen to death. The same study of human nature, only in other conditions. I was very interested in how the nature of people in difficult circumstances could change. I have not once expected that the heroes will turn into animals, violent and selfish, and "Klondike" and Bill Haskell helped me see that kindness is either peculiar to a person or not, and it can manifest themselves in any situations. In this story, there are many violence and greed, anger, and I think that this is exactly. We get acquainted with different characters, and in actions in a critical situation you can conclude how strong these are personalities.

- What line the character of Bill Haskell would you like to borrow for yourself?

- His morality. When I read the script, then many times when the plot turn was unsuccessful for Bill, I thought that now he would break and turn into a beast, but every time his human side tried, it made me respect. If I had at least ten percent of the same inner conviction, I would be a happy man.

- Tell me, what is better to be on the set in Canada or warm at home?

- People think that the actors are weaklings, but in fact we are strong guys. And yet alone very courageously transferred all the deprivation, but others, whose names I won't call, put on the shooting socks with electric heating. In the film it is mainly about real people. For those who are truly in this situation, in fact, everything was ten times harder than for us. But we were very difficult. And this is all hopped - the fact that we tell the story about the real period of time, the fact that our heroes are people who have passed through burden and deprivation. So we have nothing to complain about, although it was necessary to work in difficult conditions.

- The heroes of Abby and Richard have a very interesting relationship, and they probably didn't seem to play them. How you managed to plunge into them, because before you and Abby were not even familiar with each other. How did you get everything to play like this - from the ship to the ball?

- When you manage to remove the scene consistently, it is very big luck. The scenes with Abby were given a little simpler, because there was a time to work together with each other, and we already got into images. It was more difficult to be scenes with Tim, here it was indeed from the ship to the ball, we just met, and immediately on the site, we are not even used to our own characters. But when there is such a strong scenario, a director with a clear understanding of the concept and actors who feel very good each other, then everyone knows their tasks for sure and simply immerse themselves with their heads. This is one of those wonderful features of the actor's work - when you take the right decision, and in the end everything is obtained. And this is actually a gift, it seems to me.

- Have you worked with the teachers of the stage speech to achieve the necessary accent?

- No, we did not have teachers. I decided to talk with the desired accent during filming from the very beginning, for me it is - how to pump another muscle. It is necessary to stay in a tone to, for example, climb into the mountains or work on wear all day. Therefore, I considered the emphasis as the muscle that you need to traine and which I still did not use. I worked a lot, listened to many speech records with an accent, practiced, studied the story, life of the time. I tried to take into account everything that would help make a painting realistic. And we worked on it all together, the whole cast helped each other. We wanted nothing to prevent the audience to feel the reality of what is happening. Therefore, we tried to talk with an accent not only before the camera, but everything else time. And it is right, in my opinion. Your character should be your second nature - this is the feature of our profession. I specially traveled on dogs to truly learn this and not think later during filming, as it was done and for what reason to pull. The same with horse riding, the same with an emphasis - he just became my second in kind.

- What scene with your character participation has become unforgettable for you?

- There are a lot of such scenes. I'll tell you about one of them - it was the very first day of filming, I lay on ice and uttered a monologue, in which a young man talks about his life, that here he is the end that death is very close, and he recalls the past, and There are equestrian police. Or the scene, where my character removes clothes from a shot man. Then he really turned into a beast. For me, a lot is connected with this episode. In my character there is something good, and it remains with him even in this critical moment for him.

Tim Mouth (Character - Graph): "Usually, I get the roles of cretins or maniacs"

- Tim, tell us what your character is close and interesting to you. Why did you agree to participate?

"My approach, as a rule, is: if I like the project as a whole, if I feel that I can contribute to the general case - I participate. Because of my appearance and manners, tell me, however, usually get the roles of any cretins or maniacs or something in this spirit. (Laughs). And it seemed to me that I could contribute, working on the "Klondike". As for my character, as it is ridiculous, he is quite in his right mind, and you won't call him as a cretian. He is not the best person, but he does not hide his qualities, and I have impressed that I can play this character without embellishing him. Show it as it is. In addition, shooting in this film meant work with an excellent scenario at an excellent director. I liked the story, so it would be stupid to refuse.

- In one of the episodes, you walked on the ice of the frozen lake. How was it really?

- I was forbidden to go there, the ice was very dangerous. But I would go. In fact, nothing would happen, there are wetsuits and all that. And I was ready for this. During filming, Richard asked the tone, he acted with such self-dedication that he inspired us all. He was a real leader, and we were all ready for him to go, including the ice of the frozen lake.

- What scene with your character participation has become unforgettable for you?

- I think this is a scene with Abby. This is in some sense a turning point, because in the frame we and Ebby, but in fact its protagonist - Richard and our attitude towards him. I come to say Belinde, that we have to help this guy, should help him succeed, or he will lose everything and will die. And then Belinda leaves and saves it.

Richard Madden:

The partner of Richard Madden in the TV series "Klondike" became the actress Abby Kornish, who played the heroine named Belinda Malluni. .

Abby Kornish (Character - Belinda Malluni): "Special coaches have been taught to driving a dog harness"

- Abby, how did you feel, working in such severe conditions?

- Everyone laid out one hundred percent, and I join Tima about what he said about Richard. He simply charged us with his energy, he was ready to dive into a hole, filming under torrential rain or snowfall. Once I even asked for producers, so that they looked at Richard - it seemed to me that for the sake of the ideal embodiment of the scene he and his life would not regret. The enthusiasm with whom he worked was impressive incredibly. I am sure, the audience was felt when they saw, his character turned out so realistic and holistic.

- Which scene made the strongest impression on you?

- There were a lot of strong episodes, but during the shooting I was especially remembered by the scene when we needed to drive on a dog sledding on the ice of the lake. We worked with special coaches who taught us to handle dogs, but still, of course, we mastered only Aza. Imagine what I was worth a team "Motor!" Sharing a harness, to stop strictly in a conditioned place and in the course of the action to drag Richard into it. It was difficult, but very exciting! Adrenaline just shook.

- How comfortable you, a fragile woman, was working on the set?

- It was amazing. On the set of this series it was raised by a stunning team. We supported each other in all, understood each other with a half-clow. All personal went to the background - we thought only about work, and even during the rest they discussed the scenes, thought how to play better, got married in the images of their characters. We only talked about the series, and these conversations helped us better understand our heroes and better realize them.

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