Getting ready for the beach: depilation, care and peeling


There is such a joke: "If you are white and fluffy, it means that it is time for the sun and on the epilation." More precisely, you first need to get rid of excessive vegetation, and then boldly go somewhere on vacation sunbathing. We tell how to make it properly for the beach and how to make a tan to bed smoothly and kept long.

Fashion for smooth, without signs of vegetation, the skin came to Europe from the east - in the harem was considered a need to remove hair with bodies of concubines. Yes, and in an ancient Rome in terms, there was a popular, let and painful, the procedure is to pull out each individual hairs by screwing onto the thread.

And since then, for many centuries in a row, humanity is fighting (with alternating) success with extra hairs. To date, there are many ways to get rid of vegetation. Of these, the fastest, painless and at the same time effective way is to depilation creams. They remove the hairs quickly, painlessly and without the risk of mechanical skin damage.


The greatest success is the drugs enriched with softening, moisturizing and nutrients, which during depilation additionally take care of the skin. So, a gentle express cream to depilation "Natural Aloe Vera + Vitamin E" from Eveline Cosmetics, enriched with 100% natural aloe, effectively softens, intensively moisturizes and regenerates the skin, prevents overbring, restores softness, elasticity and protects from moisture loss, and ultrapure Express cream for depilation "Marine minerals + vitamin E" contains Minerals of the Dead Sea, which are rich in magnesium, iodine, bromine, sodium, potassium - they are necessary for the proper functioning of the skin, are intensively regenerated, moisturized, improve the elasticity of the skin and reduce the symptoms of irritations.


No less effective method - with wax strips. They remove the hairs together with the root, thanks to which they guarantee a long effect (up to four weeks) smooth skin, and contribute to the fact that the resulting hairs will be thinner and weaker. The plasters are able to remove even the shortest hairs, and the procedure can be easily accomplished on their own.

Black and white

After depilation behind the skin, also need special care. Quickly calm the skin and protect it from irritation will help ... New Deodorant "Black and White: Invisible Smooth Silk" from Nivea. Yes, we are not mistaken: this innovative antiperspirant works at once in several directions - in parallel with the effective protection against sweat and odor, instantly gives stunning smoothness after depilation.


Another reason to fall in love with a novelty - an exquisite perfume composition, thought out to the last detail. It is inspired by the best flavors from around the world. The upper notes were the magnolia of the Champaca and the leaves of the mandarin, the perfection of basic notes emphasizes the sensual damask rose and the gold orchid and, finally, the exquisite emphasis, the final sound, make up gentle plum, white musk and sandalwood.

Nothing extra

Before you go on vacation, you need to polish the skin before the brilliance, otherwise the tan will fall as much as chocolately smoothly, as in advertising, but akin to melting. Alternative to non-housing salon procedures are homemade scrubs - delicious ones and smelling one appetitive of the other. In addition to the exfoliation of dead cells, they spill microcirculation and purify the pores so that new leather with double energy absorbed subsequent lotions creams.


Anti-cellulite dry bodies for the Unicorn Shimmer Scrub body from a mixit with a caramel odor, instantly raising the mood, perfectly copes with its functions - carefully and carefully clean the skin, actively depart, align the color and cut the stretching. The complex of sea salt, cane sugar and chopped walnut shell is responsible for it. Parallel scrub provides a powerful lymphatic in effect (due to the extract of green coffee), accelerates metabolic processes and efficiently improves the update of the epidermis (let's say "thanks" to the extract of pineapple), contributes to the withdrawal of slag and toxins, fights against free radicals, protects the skin from oxidative stress and rejuvenates it ( This is already entering into its own vitamin E rights).

But this scrub has another amazing feature - no wonder he is the name of the magic unicorn. It allows your skin to shine - literally the word. In its composition - a whole scattering of shimmer particles, which can turn into a magical fairy tale, full beauty and radiance.

Important tips:

Always apply a scrub on wet skin.

Especially thoroughly tritte knees and elbows.

Avoid damaged skin areas - irritation can only increase.

After exfoliation, be sure to apply a moisturizer.

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