It is time to collect herbs for hair


Nettle. It helps to cope with dandruff, get rid of itching, improve blood circulation, strengthens hair roots. The classic recipe from the nettle is very simple: a liter of boiled water to pour 100 g of dry or fresh nettle leaves. Cover the saucepan with a lid and leave to appear on the day. The decoction can be stored in the refrigerator. It is necessary to rinse your hair 2 times a week for a month.

Lope. Perfectly feeds hair roots, stimulates growth and gives shine. Two tablespoons of dry or fresh crushed roots of burdock pour boiling water with a glass, put on a weak fire and cook for 10 minutes. Let it breed 30 minutes and strain. A decoction to rub in the scalp 2-3 times a week or rinse the hair after washing.

Birch. Birch leaves helps to cope with dandruff, restore the hair structure, give them shine, normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, help stop baldness. Ground fresh birch leaves pour water liter and cook for 20 minutes. Cool, strain.

Mint. Decorations from this fragrant grass have an antiseptic and cooling effect, soothing the irritable head of the head, remove itching. Eight tablespoons of crushed leaves of fresh mint are poured with a liter of boiling water and leave to appease 30-40 minutes.

Galina Volkov

Galina Volkov

Galina Volkova, Trichologist

- Groans should be used with caution. Especially people prone to allergic reactions, and children. Cooked decoctions or infusions can dry the scalp, especially if you have dry hair or sensitive skin. If you have irritation on the skin of the head, dandruff, the hair is thinned and fall out - you do not need to count on a magical result. If there are problems, you need to solve with the help of a trichologist. This is especially true of hair loss - this is a very serious symptom, which may indicate the presence of severe pathologies. The causes of hair loss set. In some cases, a deepened diagnostic is needed: laboratory blood tests, trichoscopy, biochemical analysis of hair. Applying folk recipes, including grasses ragners, can only people who have no problems with hair and scalp. In this case, really rinsing can benefit: give shine, strengthen the hair, make them more obedient. I would like to draw attention to the quality of herbs - to collect them is recommended exclusively in environmentally friendly regions.

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