How do I actually treat men?


"I'm in some big castle that is removed for a party. There are a lot of different people, including my other familiar. I am moving at this party from the room to the room: somewhere drink, somewhere communicate, somewhere addicts, somewhere they have sex. In these rooms I am present, but I do not feel part of this fun. In some rooms, I'm scared, but I do not leave, waiting for my former lover. Well remember the feeling of waiting. Later we ferment with him together at this party, starts light. After some time, he disappears from sight, I'm looking for him, then I find some of my acquaintances, with whom I finally get comfortable on this ending party. After, in the morning, before the descent from the central staircase, I see a very shaped former beloved, sitting on the parapet. He sits, hugging himself with his hands and lowering his head down. I understand that he is bad. I go to him, try to lead with me. He will first not recognize me, then repels and says that he will not go anywhere with me. "

It was such a dream that one young woman told me. What an interesting and transparent example!

Sleep demonstrates our dreams, what she sees men: repulsive, inaccessible or eternally missing.

This sinking fragment tells our reader, which involuntary conclusions it made about men once.

Perhaps due to its past experience of communicating with great men, she suffered not once the experience of rejection or disappointment. Perhaps she tried to conquer someone for a long time, as a man in her dream is unavailable for her, unable to maintain contact with her: then it should be waiting for it, then he is drunk.

Women with similar experience of accumulated anger, disgust or disappointment, a man is not easy to create reliable and trusting relationships.

By virtue of its unconscious conviction that men are such - inaccessible, cold, slipping, unreliable, women do not notice that they stretch exclusively to such men. Other partners who themselves demonstrate interest, attention, care, seem boring and tedious. Like night moths that fly to the light and puzzle wings, such women do not notice that once at once occur with the men unsuitable for them, perpetuating their painful attitude towards them.

Perhaps a dream tells our dream about the true state of affairs. The fact that she had to survive next to a man, and how she actually belongs to them now. In this case, when trying to create new relationships, the experience of previous disappointments, disgust and disadvantage is not going anywhere. It masked thoroughly or for a while is forgotten, but at the first opportunity, the old wound reveals again.

It's time to reconsider your attitude towards men, heal old wounds in the shower that in itself can be a difficult and unprecedented process.

However, it may be important if she dreams of filled and loving relationships. It is important to get rid of the old, accumulated to prepare a place for a more young, direct and complete communication with a man who should not be conquered, controlled or check for resistance in relationships. You can just enjoy intimacy and happiness.

I wonder what you dream? Send your stories by mail: [email protected].

Maria Zemskova, PSYCHOLOGIST, Family therapist and leading trainings of personal growth Training center Marika Khazina

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