Glafira Tarkhanova: "The decision to give birth to three children and my husband and I did not accept in the kitchen."


Actress Satirikon Theater, star of films and TV shows, Mom three sons. The staff of the TV presenter also added to this impressive list of concerns of Glafira Tarkhanova.

- Glafira, not so long ago you have become the leading program "Save my child." For many of your fans, it is quite unexpected ...

- The actors sometimes work leading programs. I took the samples, and I was chosen from several contenders. Perhaps it helped me that I was a mother of three children.

"After a new job, did you see how much it can happen to children, your attitude to the issue of health sons somehow changed?

"If my mother suddenly actively begins to engage in his child and breathless him, it does not mean that she will help him." Not necessarily because of any piping to run to doctors and insist on operations. Or carry a child to the hospital because of a runny nose. It is just necessary to adequately assess the situation and not be a perfection system in the matter of health of children.

- That is, you yourself do not run with any problem in the hospital?

- No, not run. When mom runs somewhere, it is in a panic. And when she is in a panic, can not help her child. Therefore, mom should soberly assess the situation. I can not say that I love to walk in doctors. Probably not. This is only as a last resort.

- As they say: Above the first child, mom does not breathe, and if the third child eats from the cat's bowl, then this is a cat's problem ... That is, being a mom's three, already a guru of calm ...

- Yes exactly. Even when he studied at the Faculty of Psychology, it seemed to me that everything should be different. But everything is built as it is, and you need to apply great efforts to change the situation.

Glafira Tarkhanova:

In the series "Treason" of Glafira Tarkhanova played a spoiled person who wants to take revenge on her rich husband

- Have you always dreamed of such a big family?

- No, I did not dream. Although three children in the family are no longer uncommon. Now people are easier to do so. And pregnant women on the streets are much more.

- Maybe the husband insisted on a big family?

- We have a little different relationship, and the decision to give birth to three was not accepted in the kitchen. When I gave birth to the first, I did not think that I would have three. But it happened. This is my personal decision. The decision is that if there is a pregnancy, the child needs to be left. This is definitely.

- You have three sons, and where is your sweetheart? ..

- Well, as God gives, it will be. We'll see. Of course, we are some plans for ourselves, but not only everything depends on us.

- Is it possible to say that your sons do you have artistic natures?

- I have no task to consider in them the artistic talent, because they are multifaceted, like all people. They have some kind of aspirations, and independent of my desires. Senior, roots, fascinated by robotics at the level of designers. Middle, Yermolai, he is now six, it is not indifferent to the swords and everything is connected with them. Well, and the younger, Gordes, is the smallest, his passion is toy aircraft and trains.

- You need to have a huge talent to be able to combine work and children. What advice could you give those who also want to be a successful mother and at the same time make a career?

"I can't say that I cope with everything perfectly." I always do not have time, but in this process I live in this process. (Smiles.) Of course, I try to pay the most attention to children in your free time. But it succeeds so much as it succeeds.

- I think that there was no reason here without your experience of raising the younger sister, which was born when you were fourteen years ...

- To some extent ... But at fourteen, I initially tried to avoid such duties - it was my clear position, I stated loudly. Moreover, the sister was born in the second marriage of Mom. But still it was necessary to walk with a carriage when mom was required at least a couple of hours at home. The distance that was to go in two hours was overcome by thirty minutes and returned with the words: "I have already walked!" (Laughs.)

- Probably, in your big family someone necessarily drives the car?

- I drive the car, but the husband is not. Just if with three children, I also did not drive, it would be chained to the house. It helps us, of course, nanny. Without it, I could not work. Since my sister has a difference of fourteen years, and with my brother - twenty, then my mom has something to do. And her husband's parents are not in Moscow, so it is difficult for them to help.

- Do you get some hobbies in the schedule?

- In my free time I embroider, and it usually happens on the plane. Of course, rushing into the fitness club. If in the morning children in kindergarten and school and there is no work, then I have done to workout. True, only periodically.

- With difficulty, you can believe that a mother of three children, which only time from time to time is engaged in sports, it is possible to look like this. You probably do not eat anything?

- It is also harmful! But I'm looking for some balance of nutrition. It is not simple. Even meals on the system six times a day, which is recommended by nutritionists, it is difficult to withstand with flights, business trips. So I don't sit on any diet now.

Glafira Tarkhanova:

As an experienced mother of Mother, Glafira Tarkhanov knows how to help the heroes of his program "Save my child"

- Your spouse Alexey Fadeev is also an actor. Probably met on the set?

- We met on samples. Lesha was already approved and played out actresses, among whom Casting was still walking. Well, and then the shooting began. It's great that everything happened not in Moscow, but outside the city - in a separate closed space. Somewhere not far from the trading. Our relationships developed gradually, it is impossible to say that it was love at first sight.

- Do you often discuss home work questions?

- To completely abandon the discussion of such topics, of course, it is impossible. Because we live in many ways. But we are not censors for each other and do not give any tips. We can express our opinion, but from a professional point of view, everyone makes a decision.

- Have you never criticized each other?

- Critics are a lot: starting with the nearest relatives, ending with colleagues. Therefore, it is important for us to support each other.

- Where are you planning to meet the New Year?

- It will not work out, because on December 31, I play in the play "Wheel of Fortune". Previously, I did not participate in the entrepreneur, but it is an interesting experience for me. Including the experience of visiting different cities. And the further from the capital, the more open and susceptible viewers.

- You probably choose gifts on tour?

- Most of all I was impressed with a huge chocolate ship, which somehow gave Stas Bondarenko. He was placed on order. I do not remember that with this ship in the end it became, but we, with him, at least photographed ...

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