Maxim Galkin confessed to love Alexander Mikhailov


Every year the prize is gaining weight, in a small "illusion" is already physically hard to move, but the filmmakers - the people of the company and live according to the principle "in Tenship, and not in the offense." A surprise of the ceremony was the phenomenon of Philip Kirkorov, singing the song "On Love" from the "crew", and not far from the artist, apparently, the case was held by a lawyer Dobrovinsky. Another surprise was the excellent performance of young harvesters named Lyudmila Maksakov-Ignarbs. In the hall almost sobbed by Lyudmila Maksakova and Mama Maria.

Maxim Galkin touched the legend - Aktera Alexander Mikhailov. Little is able to change the ever-ironic humorist, but touching the Malnian Artist to Dlann for a long time turned Maxim in a fan with burning eyes.

Miriam Sekhon and Yuri Kolokolnikov

Miriam Sekhon and Yuri Kolokolnikov

Gennady Avramenko

Yuri Kolokolnikov, arriving in the harsh Moscow from sunny California, immediately fell ill. The pale appearance of Yuri, and possibly not only he, attracted the attention of Miriam Sekhon. With the type of experienced therapist, Miriam immediately calculated the temperature of Yuri - 39.5. And, it seems, he immediately cured by one touch.

Mikhail Boyarsky, Julia Peresilde and Marina Aleksandrov

Mikhail Boyarsky, Julia Peresilde and Marina Aleksandrov

Gennady Avramenko

Mikhail Boyarsky, having received the "master class of the year" award, looked incredibly satisfied. Well, and in a smile, literally to the ears, he made not well-deserved award, and abundant attention from beauty. Moreover, Julia Peresilde and Marina Alexandrova, kissed Mikhail Sergeyevich, managed to look even happier than him.

Katerina Spitz and Nikolay Lebedev

Katerina Spitz and Nikolay Lebedev

Gennady Avramenko

The "actress of the year" was Katerina Spitz, who played this year at once in several blockbusters - "crew", "Friday" and "Breakfast at Pope", and Nikolay Lebedev for the "crew" received a prime characteristic sympathy. Before the photographing ceremony, Katerina thoughtfully corrected the appearance of the favorite director.

Birthday of the Foundation "Step Together", "Clouds"

Chris Pratt

Chris Pratt

Gennady Avramenko

The original decision to arrange a photo photo of Chris Pratta not at the hotel, and against the background of the monument to the conquerors of space, I really liked the journalists. However, it was on this day that in Moscow, laid frosts hit, and enthusiasm somewhat dot. Chris Pratt was amused by a grand monument and the number of people who welcomes it. None of the muscle flounded from the cold on the face of the actor, however, the rubbing of the hands hinted on the fact that superheroes are too frown.

Christmas tree and Gosh Kutsenko

Christmas tree and Gosh Kutsenko

Gennady Avramenko

Singer Christmas tree - So longtime and devoted friend of the Foundation, which can afford the Panibrates to flutter on the top of His founder Gosh Kutsenko. Gosha himself is completely not against such a handling of pleasant people who help collect funds for sick children.

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