Evgenia Brick is not looking for simple roles


Eugene is not without pleasure confessed in an interview that in her career there were roles about which you can only dream. It is possible that in the life of the actress, too, everything or almost everything, what she once dreamed of. Since childhood, Eugene Hiriva (the scenic pseudonym brick got to her from the great-grandmother) was a creative child. He played in school performances, took part in all festive concerts. "Artist, one word," said everything around. Only her dad, associate professor who teaching physics and informatics in the Institute, was skeptical. He spoke to his daughter what is practically impossible to enter theatrical, so you need to choose earthly goals - for example, the Institute of Instrument Making and Informatics. In the family even joked (kindly) to the daughter's address: "No beauty, not talent, then you will take the brains. Execute, learn. "

And for now, the peers played in the courtyard, Eugene sat behind the textbooks, listened to the cassette and watched films in English. In order to actually act in the theater. And precisely thanks to his skeptical father. The fact is that he perfectly understood in art, was friends with the actors, he went with his daughter in the museums, on the opera. Instead of the lullaby, he set the "Eugene Onegin", which Smoktunovsky read (many of the heads of Eugene learned by heart), or the poems of Brodsky in reading Mikhail Kozakova. So the Father has greatly influenced Zhenya in terms of education and the formation of the worldview.

In the new series, Eugene again played a girl with a difficult character. In the photo with the project partner Anatoly White

In the new series, Eugene again played a girl with a difficult character. In the photo with the project partner Anatoly White

Of course, he, like the whole relatives, was very surprised when Eugene went through a crazy contest and entered Gitis, in the workshop of Alexander Zbruev. In 2004, BRIC became a graduate actress. And a couple of years later, he married a famous director Valery Todorovsky. Many then believed that the young actress "caught her bird of happiness for the tail." After all, there is an opinion that a director's husband is guaranteed roles in all its projects. And although Eugene is really often occupied in the paintings by Valeria Todorovsky, nevertheless, the film projects runs on a par with everyone. "And this is even harder," she says. "Because Valera will never be ashamed to tell me in the face: Zhen, no, it's not yours."

For example, Eugene, only after reading the scenario of the series "Thaw", literally dreaming the role of Ingi, which Victoria Isakov was ingeniously played in the result. But the husband immediately put the dots over "I": "I do not see you in this role, you can pass samples for the role of Larisa." And this is just five minutes of screen time! But the way I remembered, probably everyone. Eccentric beauty, in the first frames of the picture sitting on the bench is absolutely naked, those five minutes hold the viewer in suspense due to constantly tearing her emotions.

In 2009, Evgenia Bric gave birth to a daughter of Zoya, and it changed absolutely everything. She even changed the place of residence, during the time interrupted all his movies and other projects. After all, Zoya was born in America. And there, Eugene for some time and asslaved: she lived in his pleasure, she was engaged in his daughter and herself. And even he was sometimes thought that, apparently, the acting career would have to refuse. And only the persistence of her agent, who constantly offered different projects, made it after a year and a half after the birth of the daughter still start to star. Moreover, as the actress itself is recognized, it was a big stress for her.

Young Zoya Todorovskaya is already filming the cinema, but abroad. Parents Zoe do not build plans for her film barrier, but very happy to the success of the daughter

Young Zoya Todorovskaya is already filming the cinema, but abroad. Parents Zoe do not build plans for her film barrier, but very happy to the success of the daughter

Photo: instagram.com/evgeniabrik.

By the way, the daughter of Zoya in America is also a popular actress. But only in America. The girl managed to play in The Oa (2016) films and The Plastic Man (2017). "Nobody planned this, I saw my English agent, we made samples, they were approved, and everyone," Evgenia recalls. And now she is in America for many not "the well-known Russian actress Evgenia Bric", but "Mom Zoe Todorovskaya".

"Thank God, the daughter is calm and does not yet declare: Mom, lead me to the samples! - says Eugene. "But I see that this narcotic feeling from the acting profession has already darked into it." When I flew to her on shooting in New York, I saw that, being on the court, the daughter enjoys. " But then, BRIC believes, it is very difficult to build plans, how to develop a daughter's career. "In the acting profession, everything is unpredictable, this is a lottery, she is sure. - There is one good English expression. If we translate into Russian, it sounds like this: throw spaghetti on the wall and see what sticks out. You can come to Hollywood tomorrow and get into the rating project, and you can walk through the castings all your life and not get your chance. " Evgenia with a husky went to samples even to James Cameron to Avatar. BRIC admitted that her knees were trembling in his office, on the walls of which she saw posters with his films, which grew up: "Titanic", "Terminator".

Heself, Eugene acknowledges that, despite the obvious good luck in the acting profession, it is still not a movie or a theater at all. She dreams of a big family and about children. And believes: this is what you need to work in the near future!

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