Ivan Stebunov: "We all ended with Marina, and we did not have time to stay friends"


For quite a long time, Ivan Stebunov was told about the newly given a young actor, breaking female hearts. There were loud premieres in the "contemporary", the wedding with the actress Marina Alexandrova, a rather fast divorce ... and silence. The guy as if disappeted from the radar - left the theater, it seems to be left in Barnaul. We met on the eve of his 35-year-old anniversary, and it turned out that it was today that he never has confidence in his actions and a selected vector of movement.

- Ivan, in one of the interviews confessed that a man has a golden time begins after forty ... So you are still in the preparatory period?

- Exactly! It seems to me that in life in general and in the profession just after forty comes all the most interesting. Although, by and large, rarely, which of us lives really real, we all think about the tempting perspective, we are waiting for something important, unplanned, magical ... and I am not an exception. Here I expect my two-month trip to Barnaul, where I will put a performance. Here it remains a little bit to suffer, all the work finish and fly finally to their homeland.

- You were born in the beautiful Altai Territory - what memories are you related to childhood?

- In the village, by the way, everything is always waiting for something. And this process of waiting, which is akin to hope, anticipation of happiness, and crashed into memory. As, for example, at the end of the summer holidays, the grandmother I waited for the arrival of my parents and already lived in a different week, and when I saw the car turning to us on the road, I fond ... For this reason, I never report my local relatives about the date of arrival: Suddenly something will change, and they will wait and offended. Such things need to be taken into account and do not joke with it.

- You served in the Tomperic Troupe, and now left a stationary theater and took an invitation from Altai Youth Theater. V. Golotukhina to speak there as a director. Wanted to become the first guy in the village?

- If you want and formulate. In the "contemporary" everything was so smooth and predictable that I had a desire to seriously shake. I was not afraid to change something radically, because I risked little. But I purchased a lot. This spring in Barnaul has already released the premiere, in the Big Hall, with the manschlage, and now I will prepare my second stage. In our theater, beautiful actors are no worse than in the capital. It is clear that there is something completely responsible, but I like a similar experiment on myself. Holding adrenaline charging! But at the same time, I and in Moscow there are proposals to try yourself as a director, and I will not miss them either. But, you know, so much still need to make himself so ambitious: director! I remember when I, twenty-year-old, studied in St. Petersburg and the graduates of this university came to the course for the course, they seemed to me adult uncle, some unpleasant, because I did not doubt that I really would be my studio to this age Not less than three decent paintings by shoulders. I saw myself absolutely recognized, which was the owner of the empire ... This is how the illusions are broken. (Smiles.)

With mom, Olga Mikhailovna

With mom, Olga Mikhailovna

Photo: Personal archive Ivan Stebunova

- You have not analyzed that you prevent you from entering the cohort of top, fashionable actors?

- This is not a certain caste where you get, learning the desired code. Each of us has its own fate. It is necessary to just work honestly, and great if you truly take with a decent material. In fact, all my colleagues are not spoiled by good scenarios. Everyone is waiting for a miracle, well, they work in parallel.

- And this also applies to you. After all, you received your first role when you were in the morning, with an eye shoved after the night fight, I saw an assistant for actors. I suspect, you had a lot of such good luck.

- Yes, I feel sin to complain. Thanks to that meeting, my photos were in the acting department "Mosfilm", and then the chain already stretched. But my mistake was to think that I should first accumulate something in the actor before proceeding to the director. I was engaged in Mishur, and it was necessary to give myself a will to start the main thing.

- You admitted that sometimes participated in some projects from pragmatic considerations. And even bought an apartment due to the role in one long-playing series.

- When to act interesting, the company is selected if you do not think about time. This is what is called, in great love. Great rarity. I am not much proud of the movie: "Sun House" Garika Sukacheva, the "temptation" of Sergey Ashkenazi, "Zavilina" Vasily Pichula, "cadets" ... I happened to communicate with amazing people. But this is a gift, and so, alas, more often familiar with another option - for big money. Thanks to the infinite TV series, "find out me if you can" I purchased and repaired an apartment in which I now live. There was a purely functional approach, I will not chat. I, despite the fact that my dad is a businessman, I love myself badly with money, I do not know how to save, save, postpone. Therefore, the permanent financial influxers that Mom controlled helped in the implementation of this purpose. My director Asya loves at the end of the year with Ironia to announce how much I accurately earned. That is, how much went to nowhere through my hands, and I am invariably upset. (Smiles.)

Ivan Stebunov:

In the military drama "ordered to destroy. Operation "Chinese Casket" Ivan Played Senior Lieutenant Leonid Kostroma

Frame from the film "It is ordered to destroy. Operation "Chinese Casket"

- While you are implemented as a theater director. But do you have a full meter in your nearest plans? Do you write script?

- For the future there is an idea to remove the costume historical drama, the era of Elizabeth, when Altai joined the Russian Empire ... But for the time being on the agenda - modernity; The script writes friends, very talented guys, and fellow countrymen in Altai promise to help financing. There they are open all the doors, they know me, hurry to assist. Especially since we have such a gracious land that spending shooting in this beauty - a dream!

- By the way, you have repeatedly been admitted in our love and Moscow, and to Peter, and to Rome ... You have many power places, it turns out ...

- Yes, these cities accepted me willingly. By the way, in the eternal city I flew a year and a half ago, I came down all, I know along and across. He attracts me strongly. But I am not indifferent to natural silence. Once, having heard from friends of stories, as they rest on the islands for three months, I allocated exactly thirty days in my chart and went to Bali. It turned out that I could easily exist in such a relaxed mode when you only master the surfing, admire the local landscapes and do not even smoke. (Smiles.)

- By the way, you do not avoid bad habits - alcohol, cigarettes and strong coffee do not exclude ...

- I do not lead the right way of life, this is a fact. But it is necessary to keep yourself in the form. Unfortunately, now there are problems with your back, and professional sports for me is some kind of evil. I will give my future children only for swimming, from other extreme things I will categorically discourage.

Stebunov's partners in the series "My crazy family" were Andrei Urgant and Larisa Udovichenko

Stebunov's partners in the series "My crazy family" were Andrei Urgant and Larisa Udovichenko

Frame from the series "My crazy family"

- Do you like to grow up?

- All surrounding observe the changes with me. In one voice, they say that I have changed. True, do not specify which way. I myself feel that I stopped already to blame someone in what is happening, all the reasons are looking for in itself, in addition, it became noticeably harder for both lifting and decision-making. Some kind of rest in the creative sense began to come. Little now lights up, and it is a little disturbing. Over time, the circle of friends is also reduced, although it is so small.

- You keep the mansion from the cinema party and said more than once that it is easier for you to communicate with the workers of the car service, let's say than with colleagues ...

- Listen, there is no fundamental position, I find a common language with people of different social spheres without any problems. Everything is easier: where can I go - I do not want, and where I strive, do not name. It is terribly looking so mizanthropom ... (smiles.) In principle, I'm an introvert, my world is important to me. I love to sit in my apartment, especially in such a cloudy, rainy weather is right my time! At home I am always waiting for the Scottish Fold Gray Cat Ophelia, and I can read in pleasure or watch the movie for hours ... Perfect picture: Morning Sunday, outside the window of any sun, cool, such a minor atmosphere, I'm not hurry anywhere, I sit in the kitchen, drink coffee And sheets of play ... Fine, if another phone does not bother. I take off the phone, only when I see that my director Asya or my girl Nina is ringing me. All other calls consider unnecessary. (Smiles.)

- Even coming from Mom and Sisters Alena?

- Well, often native people can also introduce into a deconstructive state. (Smiles.) Although thanks to these women, I became the one who became.

- You mentioned your favorite girl. She is also an actress, how are your mom and sister?

- Not. And, probably, it's good. Year we already meet, but we do not live together yet.

- Have you had moments in the life that I would like to correct?

- Surely they have each. For example, I would definitely remove the spinal fracture from his childhood, thanks to which I was lying, and then went to the corset for several months. I stopped growing, painful headaches appeared, especially in the heat, and I had to forget about my beloved Greco-Roman wrestling. Of course, I had an alternative because I grew up behind the scenes at my mother in the theater, I still went to the scene. But if you are frank, then initially I went to the Novosibirsk Theater School (from which it was subsequently expelled) only because I had chosen an easy way: everyone knew my family in the city, and it turned out quite naturally that we continued the dynasty with an older sister. In a sense, the theater replaced me sport: the stage is always challenging, and I go out like a gladiator fight with the spectator. This excitement in me is permanently, as once in competitions. I remember in the "contemporary" I really liked the latter before the release of a minute - absolute, concentrated silence behind the scenes.

With Marina Alexandrova Ivan lived in marriage for two years

With Marina Alexandrova Ivan lived in marriage for two years

Natalia Governorovova

- This theater introduced you to the ex-wife Marina Alexandrova, you were married for two years ...

- Yes, we were downloaded by projects, rarely saw each other, but at the same time lived saturated. Marina helped me and was the initiator of spontaneous shafts. For example, if even four days a day dropped out, we should not get out and fly away and fly, for example, to Vienna on the opera. And on the car we drove all France, Italy ... But we all ended so quickly that we did not have time to stay friends and today the connection is not supported.

- What conclusion did you do from this test family union?

- It is impossible to relax in any way, you must not get tired to surprise your half.

- Tell us, why did your production affair with the Oerinskaya Ingrid ended, with whom you filmed together in the film "Ticket for Vegas"?

- Ingrid then was a very young girl. Two weeks of communication in America during filming, she now represents in every interview with some great novel! I have since become different since then. But still, I read about my alleged alcoholism and other shortcomings. I even called her and said that it would be nice to stop.

Ivan Stebunov:

With Ingrid Oerinskaya in the film "Ticket for Vegas". During filming, the actors had a service novel

Frame from the movie "Ticket for Vegas"

- But you are clearly a lovely person, and you had a lot of different stories ...

- What is the public to know them?! Understand when the actor begins to tell something about his personal life, this is wrong behavior. This is distracting from his work, and in general is dishonest. Disgusting when a man sits and talks about his former passions. And about the fondant nature - the truth, it always seemed that there was someone more exclusive by turning me.

- And what is your girl like?

- Charismatic, practical, without cheems and with an adventurous warehouse of the character, which and camping can go with you in boots, and on the ball in shoes. It seems to me that I have already matured for family, children. I am sure that I will be a reliable dope. It's time to calm my mom, and then she asks all the time when I get married and she will become a grandmother. While I was saved by the sister of Alena, Rouching the daughter of Adel, but I feel, soon I will no longer have arguments and it will be necessary to present my grandson's mom in the coming year. (Smiles.)

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