Notes of Thai Mommy: "After a fight with the transvestite of Grebelshchikov, he climbed into prison"


If foreign star guests travel to Phuket mostly beyond the sea, the sun and relax, then our homegrown celebrities prefer to work here. For example, Mikhail Grebenshchikov, a few adaptable in their homeland, in Thailand is very high. Otherwise, how to explain the fact that he performs in local clubs on "Russian parties" almost every month. Personally, I have it in general, it seems that he does not leave anywhere and hangs on Phuket constantly. He even leads to the local Russian-speaking channel! In a word, in Thailand Grebenshchikov - almost his own. And he likes it here. And full, and drunk. What else is needed to meet old age? Oh, yes, wife. But there are no problems with it. Thai wives here at least roll! The main thing is not to be mistaken, nevertheless in Thailand also at every step - transvestites, many of which are really beautiful. They say that because of one such ladies-battle, Mikhail even thundered a couple of days to a local prison. It seems like for a walk on a noisy paleton, a certain citizen, who, with a closer acquaintance, was half a citizen at a closer acquaintance. "She took off his pants and waving some kind of her ... it's not a girl!" "He explained later to everyone interested, why suddenly during the evening the promenade took and hired a local resident.

Because of the fight, Mikhail personally met the charms of a Thai prison. Photo:

Because of the fight, Mikhail personally met the charms of a Thai prison. Photo:

True, in Thai prison, Grebenshchikov stayed for a long time - after a small amount of money, he was released on the will. Love for Phuket This incident at Grebenshchikov did not beat off. And Michael still appears here very often. But now he is careful. Because it was still Vysotsky in his "instructions before traveling abroad" warned: "You check what sex your neighbor is."

... if Grebenchikov loves more and more Russian residents on Phuket, then our compatriot has become heroine and at Thais themselves. This is the ballerina Anastasia Volochkova. So who is pleased with the local audience, so who is fun! Yes, so that there are already legends about her in the country of smiles ...

Continued ...

Read the previous history of Olga here, and where it all starts - here.

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