Elixir cheerfulness: what is useful for green smoothie


What is the best morning? Cheerful, total energy and charge for the whole day. So what should be done for this? First, cook a delicious and useful breakfast. Many do not eat in the mornings or on the run intercepting a sandwich with coffee ... about the consequences, of course, do not think. Find only ten minutes for cooking smoothie!

Green smoothie is the perfect drink for the organism detox. It contributes to a better digestion, it will supply your body with all the nutrients, will help reset a couple of extra kilograms, your craving for sweet and baked will decrease. Personally, I noticed the first results in a few days. You can not imagine how much better to feel how much energy and strength you will appear!

Yana Stepanova

Yana Stepanova

The basis of such a drink is coconut water or ordinary. No milk and yogurt! And then the benefit will be incompatible mixture for the stomach. Banana - for more delicate consistency, you can also add avocado or kiwi. And most importantly is greens (parsley, dill, feces, spinach, arugula, celery, mint ...) Handful of fresh grass will give you a generous dose of fiber and minerals. Linen seeds, chia seeds, seeds will supply fatty acids and omega-3, 6, 9. Plus berries - natural antioxidant for the beauty of your skin: blueberries, blueberries, raspberries.

MAIN Rule: To drink smoothies only in the first half of the day! Yes, and any fruit or all that is connected with them, it is better to use only until dinner, for example, like a second breakfast. The goal of smoothies with the addition of fruit is to charge energy, speed up the metabolism, increase the mood. Remember that vitamins are destroyed in light and at contact with oxygen, do not pull the Fresh tasting for a second.

I will tell you on your own experience, smoothie is the perfect recharging before and after training, when you need to quickly restore forces. You can add a spoonful of rice or almond protein spoon. If you wish, add protein for vegans to build muscle mass. It will be a wonderful cocktail without any chemistry to replenish the protein and vitamins of your muscles. Smoothies - Great Drink for Your Beauty and Health! Another bonus: On all ten minutes spend on his cooking, the greens can be prepared in advance (rinse and dry, wrap in a paper napkin and put in the refrigerator tray).

Health to you and beauty! Yes, by the way, you will certainly cause questions: why can I only eat fruit in the first half of the day? But I will tell about this already in the next article.

Several recipes useful smoothies

Several recipes useful smoothies

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Berry smoothie

- 100 g of mix of frozen berries;

- 10 g of honey;

- 10 g of fresh ginger;

- 200 ml of water.

Frozen berries put in a blender, add a pushed ginger, honey, water and thoroughly beat all the ingredients to a homogeneous mass.

Banana smoothie

- 150 g of bananas (2 pieces);

- 100 g of pineapple (can be replaced by canned);

- 250 ml of coconut water.

Pre-frozen bananas put in a blender, add three pineapple mugs and 250 ml of coconut water, thoroughly beat to a homogeneous mass.

Smoothie from kiwi

- 3 kiwi;

- greens (pending spinach, feces);

- 1 picnik;

- Water - 150 ml.

Clear and chop kiwi into small slices, add finely chopped greens, pine, stir along with water and beat the blender all the ingredients.

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